[Scenario 2] When They Gain Feelings For You

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Athanasia De Alger Obelia

Athanasia enjoys your company the most. She doesn't even give Lucas (her friend) some attention that much anymore and mostly focuses on you instead.

"Y/N! Let's play in the garden!" Athanasia said as she took your hand and ran to the garden.

"Sure. What game are we gonna play?"

"Hmm, tag, you're it!" She laughed and ran.

"Oh so we're gonna play tag...well then, I'm gonna chase you!" Both of you laughed together while playing tag. After 2-3 minutes of playing, Athanasia accidentally tripped. 

You tried to save her from falling but instead fell on top of her, facing each other. There was an awkward silence. 


Her eyes widened and she began blushing madly. She couldn't say a word. You continue staring at her until you realized what was happening. You also blushed furiously and quickly got yourself off her then helped her stand up.

"I'm so sorry Athanasia! I didn't know what I was doing!"

"I-It's fine...I don't mind at all. You were just trying to save me anyway!"

She chuckled and you both smiled awkwardly. "Your highness! It's time for you to eat your breakfast!" One of the maids shouted.

"Yes! I'm coming! Y/N, we could play something else instead later on!"

"If that's what you want." 

While Athanasia was eating, she looked back at you who's standing beside her. She grinned and grabbed another fork. She sliced ​​​​​​​​​​​the cooked meat and signaled you to bend over, you were confused.

"What is it?"

"Y/N! Say Ahh!"

Your eyes widened and you quickly exclaimed, blushing furiously again. 

"A-Athanasia, that's your food! I can't eat your food! It's yours! I'm fine don't worry!" 

"But I want to feed you! It's my order as the princess!~" She smiled brightly. You hesitated to give in but you did instead and ate the sliced ​​​​​​​​​​​​​meat she gave you. Athanasia began to feed you.

In her point of view, she's actually starting to like what happened in the garden.

Her cheeks heated up as she gripped on her chest to calm hear beating heart.

'What's wrong with me...? Why do I not feel bothered by what happened at all?!'

Cayena Hill

You were sitting in the corner of your cell. She opened the cell door and placed the tray of food in the ground. Looking at you with a blank expression.

"Eat up. You haven't eaten for two days."

"Why are you the one taking care of me? I'm the one who spied on you..."

"Because I decided to be the one to keep an eye on you." She answered in a cold tone, crossing her arms.

You slowly held the tray and took a bite on the food. Your eyes widened and you looked up to her then to the food and ate the food faster. 

Your mood slightly brightened when you ate the delicious food she gave you. She smirked when she saw you enjoying the meal.

After eating, you wiped your face with a tissue and looked towards Cayena again. You smiled brightly at her, making her shocked. 

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