• thirty six

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A/N: ima need y'all to spam comment please!❤️


I laid on Leo's chest with my head directly above his heartbeat, the sound of his thumping heart putting my mind at ease. We laid in comfortable silence in our home & enjoyed the sound of the heavy rain pouring outside.

His fingers caressed my back rolls softly earning a soft sigh from me. I felt at peace.

"I love you." He broke the silence & my heart skipped a beat.

"& I love you." I whispered. I lifted my head off of his chest & smiled. I admired his features, from his green eyes to his plump pink lips.

"You're so handsome, it makes my butt itch." I laughed & he chuckled humorously.

He sat up on the couch & I straddled his lap, the blanket slowly slipping off my body exposing my naked figure. He was naked too but he is now only wearing his boxers. I've decided to stay naked the entire day because it felt nice.

Sometimes, the lack of clothing on your body puts your mind at ease.

I slowly traced my fingers over his tattoos & he hummed.

A specific tattoo caught my attention, it always does. It's right above his collar bone & this tattoo never fails to make me laugh.

Megamind. 09/09

The first time I've seen it, I laughed. Vanessa showed me her wrist & there it was, the name 'hairless cat' & his birth date tattooed on her wrist.

It made my heart warm knowing their bond is unbreakable.

He noticed my gaze on the tattoo & grabbed my hand placing it right above his heartbeat.

"What tattoo should I get?" He questioned as he pointed at the empty space above his heartbeat & I shrugged.

"Maybe Gargamel? Pumbaa maybe?" He laughed & I scoffed.

"Fuck you." I nudged his face & he chuckled.

"Right now?" He wiggled his eyebrows & I rolled my eyes.

"Horny fucker." I laughed & he smiled.

"& you love it." He poked my nose & I bit his finger.

"Come on, let me show you something." He said as he stood up from the couch with me in his arms. I squealed & held onto his shoulders. He held me tightly making sure I wouldn't fall & I shoved my face in the crook of his neck.

He gently placed me down & grabbed my hand, dragging me down the long dark corridor. The house is quiet & dark due to the rainy weather.

We stopped walking & stood in front of 2 massive black doors. I stared at him in confusion, I've never seen this part of the house before.

He opened it revealing an indoor pool. I gasped & bolted inside.

I dipped my toe in the water & it was warm. Without hesitating, I jumped in & I went to the bottom allowing my feet to touch the ground before swimming back up.

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