⤜Chapter Eight: HONEYMOON? ⤛

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You took a trip to the grocery store in preparation for dinner. You were very excited. It had been awhile since you and Woohyun have had dinner together. There were so many ideas that you could cook, but you just had to pick the right ones to prepare a balanced meal. You wanted it to be very special. You knew you couldn't wait to see Woohyun tonight.

Meanwhile, Woohyun had a lot to think about. He wasn't sure why he felt that you weren't well before he left the house.
"Oppa, does this look good on me?" Eunji said, while looking at herself in the mirror, from side to side and back to front. Woohyun was dazed off, thinking if you were okay.
"Oppa?" Eunji said again, waving her hand in front of Woohyun's face.
Woohyun looked at her.
"I'm sorry Eunji. What did you say?" Woohyun asked.
"Is this dress cute on me?" Eunji asked, while looking at the mirror.
"Yes, you look good in every thing." Woohyun said and smiled at her. Eunji smiled and looked at the mirror again.
Woohyun sat there, still thinking about you.
Was she mad? She's not sick though? Woohyun thought.
Eunji entered the fitting room to change back into her clothes.
"Oppa, what are you thinking about? You don't look like you're having fun with me." Eunji said, as she walked out of the fitting room.

Woohyun looked at her. "It's not that. I'm just thinking about work. I have a big client coming in this week, so I'm just a little stressed." Woohyun lied.
"Oppa, are you sure? Or is it that girl at home?"
"Eunji-ah, she's just a friend. Nothing more. You don't need to stress about her."
"If she tries to do anything, you have to tell me everything. She gives me bad vibes." Eunji said, crossing her arms.
"Don't worry about her." Woohyun smiled and then they both left the store. After a few hours of shopping, Woohyun had the feeling of just getting away from Eunji. He needed a breather. He looked at his watch and it read 6:45PM.

"Eunji, I need to head back to work. Are you okay if I send you home?" Woohyun asked Eunji, while looking at her.
"It's okay Oppa! I'm supposed to be meeting some friends later." Eunji told him.
"Did you want me to drop you off to that place?" Woohyun asked. He had hoped he didn't have to, because he wanted to make sure you were alright.
"No, actually. Soohyun just texted me that she's here."
"She's here?"
"Yea. Actually I was going to tell you that I couldn't hang out tonight, since I have to hang out with my other friends." Eunji said, hugging onto Woohyun.
"No, it's okay Eunji." Before Woohyun could finished, Eunji let go of the hug and ran to her friend. Eunji turned back and waved at Woohyun and he waved back to her.

Thank God! Woohyun thought.
He drove as fast as he could to get home. Woohyun couldn't wait to see you, so he could tease and joke with you.

You never knew what excitement was until today. You couldn't wait to see Woohyun. You began chopping all of the vegetables. You diced the meat into cubes for the stew. You were going to make the ultimate Korean BBQ meal at home. Just as the soup cooked, you heard someone at the door. You wiped your hand on the apron, and quickly walked to the front door.

It was him. Nam Woohyun. He was closing the door behind him. You couldn't hide it, but you smiled and waved at him. He looked back at you and smiled, returning your wave.

"What are you cooking? I could smell it a mile away." He exaggerated.
"I'm not cooking anything. I was waiting for you." You told him.
"Why are you wearing an apron then?" He pointed to your apron. You looked down.
"It's called fashion."
You both laughed.
"You came just in time." You told him, and you both walked into the kitchen. He helped you set the table up for the BBQ. You both sat across from each other, then you guys began digging in.

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