⤜Chapter Thirty-Three: Business⤛

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You guys continued the hike, talking here and there. It felt as if all of your worries and stress were washed away. His warmth was comforting. His words were loving. His laugh was medicine. You knew you won life at that moment. It was everything you wished for.
"Woohyun-ah, you can put me down now." You patted right above his heart. Woohyun stopped and turned his head a little to look at you.
You guys were so closed to each other. You knew for sure that he felt your heart race. Somehow, you forgot how to breathe for a few seconds.
You moved your head away by a few inches.
"Do you feel okay now?" Woohyun asked.
"Yea. Put me down." You told him, still trying to get your breathing back to normal. Woohyun lowered down, so your feet could touch the ground. You slid off of Woohyun's back and took a few steps back, fixing your sweater.
"I guess you were right. You are heavy." Woohyun joked, stretching his back.
"I told you. Serves you right." You chuckled, before making your way up the trail.

Woohyun saw your smile, which warmed his heart. He felt all of the energy in him spiked.
"-------! Wait for me." Woohyun yelled out, before trailing behind you.
You looked over your shoulder.
"Hurry up!" You yelled back at him.

Woohyun ran up the trail, catching up to you.
"Slow down. I told you to wait for me." Woohyun said, panting.
"Hurry, or we won't catch up to them." You said, smiling underneath your scolding.
"Aish, you're really mean." He said, still trying to catch his breath.
You grabbed his hand and held onto it, which stopped him from complaining.
Woohyun was surprised by how affectionate you were. It was like you guys had something before. Woohyun looked at your face, adoring every feature carefully. Just as you guys saw the group ahead of you, you guys slowed down.
You turned to look at Woohyun.
Woohyun looked at you. He smiled at you.
"What?" You asked.
"Nothing. I just wanted to say your name."
"Aish, you're weird." You joked, looking forward, while Woohyun continued to look at you.
Woohyun knew you guys were something special from that moment.

After the hike, you all went out for lunch. You and Woohyun sat next to each other, while Chunji sat across from the both of you. You stood up the moment Chunji came by to the table. You bowed and smiled at him, while he returned it to you.
"You don't need to do that. Woohyun and I are great friends." Chunji said, taking his seat. You just smiled and sat back down.
"Where's Chaewon? Tell her to join us over here." You asked Chunji. Chunji looked at you before replying back.
"It's okay. She wanted to sit with the other workers." He told you.
"Oh, that's also fine." You said, thinking if she was okay especially after that incident.
After you guys ordered food, Woohyun excused himself to the bathroom. Just as Woohyun walked away, Chunji called out your name.

"------." Chunji said.
You looked at him.
"Woohyun told me that he was in an accident. Do you know anything about it?"
That question caught you by surprised.
"I know that he lost some of his memories."
You looked away from Chunji and down at the table.
"Memories...of you." Chunji finished, making you look up at Chunji again.
"Chunji-shi, I am aware of his accident. About the memories, Woohyun ---"
Chunji interrupted you.
"He wants to remember you."
"I'm aware of that too."
"Then, why won't you let him remember you?"
That question hit you hard, especially from another person who cared so much about Woohyun.
"Chunji-shi, you would never understand." You told him, trying to hold your tears back.
"Why are you so scared? If you and Woohyun were nothing, then there's nothing to hide from him. Woohyun told me that you guys have been married for about a year. If nothing happened within that year and there was no love that sparked, then you shouldn't be scared to help him remember."

It felt as if someone had punched you in the face. You thought as hard as you could to say something back to Chunji.
"-----, I'm not attacking you. As Woohyun's friend, I want to look out for him. I'm worried about him. It's a concern he was willing to share with me, and if I can help him in anyway, I am willing to do that." Chunji explained.
"You look like a really good and nice person, but I'm not going to judge a book by its cover. Please think of this as a friend looking out for Woohyun. I have a few questions for you. One, someone is behind all of this and you're not telling Woohyun? Two, was the accident caused by you? Meaning, you intentionally wanted to hurt Woohyun. Three, you did something horrible and that's why you don't want him to remember because you could get into trouble? Four, you're playing with him? Lastly, are you after his wealth?" Chunji said in a serious tone, with a stare that could kill you.
"You don't need to answer me right away. I'm sure you know the answer to those questions. I will be expecting those answers in morning by the river front of the hotel." Chunji concluded, just as Woohyun walked back, taking his seat and looking between you and Chunji. Woohyun sensed that you had changed, and the atmosphere felt tensed.
"Did I miss something?" Woohyun asked, looking at you. You looked back at him.
"Oh, Chunji and I were just talking about the hike." You lied.
"Oh. It was nice, wasn't it?" Woohyun asked, looking at Chunji.
"Yea, it was. The only thing was that you two were too slow." Chunji chuckled.
"No, we were taking our time." Woohyun defended.
Once the food came, you ate quietly, while Woohyun and Chunji spoke.
Chunji's words had you in deep thinking. You started to feel confused about yourself.

Woohyun looked over to you and gently placed his hand on the area above your knee, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked over to Woohyun, and he looked concerned. Once Woohyun got your attention, he removed his hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
You looked at him and then at Chunji's seat.
"Oh, where's Chunji?" You asked, as you noticed that Chunji was no longer sitting across from Woohyun.
"He went outside to take a call." Woohyun said.
"Are you okay? You don't look well." Woohyun said.
"I'm okay. Just a little tired from the hike." You replied. In fact, you wanted to throw up because you wanted everything to end. The guilt was eating you up. The hiding and secrets were killing you slowly.
"Let's go to the beach after this." Woohyun suggested.
"Just us?"
"Yea, why not? It's our last day here. Plus, it's just a few blocks away from this restaurant. We can walk." Woohyun said, taking another bite of his food.
"That sounds good." You said.

Just as everyone finished their lunch, Woohyun allowed everyone to spend their last day in Japan as personal time.
"I'll catch up with you guys later." Chunji said, before entering his car. "Thanks for the lunch!" Chunji rolled down his window, thanking you and Woohyun. You both smiled in response.
Just as everyone left, you and Woohyun began your walk. The walk started off quiet. The sun was out and there was a gentle breeze that danced around in the air. Without you even noticing, but your eyes had its way to Woohyun's hand.
"Woohyun-ah, can I hold your hand?" You asked him, looking at him. Woohyun looked back at you and chuckled. He grabbed your hand and showed it to you. You smiled at him. What he didn't know was that your heart was racing so fast.
As you guys approached the beach, you both looked for a spot on the warm sand to relax. Thankfully, there weren't many people at the beach. You guys sat on the sand, away from the small crowds, and looked at the water. The sound of waves were so calming. You can hear the children's laugh and the dogs' barks in the background. If you listened carefully, you heard the whispered of the wind.
You slowly rested your head on Woohyun's shoulder, looking at the water. Woohyun smiled when he felt your head on his shoulder. He felt warm and loved. He placed his head on top of your head.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
You wanted to cry, but you knew Woohyun couldn't see it. You wanted to tell him you weren't okay.
"I'm okay. Are you?"
"...right now, I am." Woohyun replied.
"Thanks for letting me cherish today." Woohyun said. You slowly propped your head up, turning to look at him.
He didn't smile, but he looked at you.
"After today, as promised, today never existed." Woohyun said.
You realized that Woohyun started leaning in. Your body was paralyzed. You didn't back away, nor did you try to stop him in any way. You could feel your heart race and the butterflies in stomach. Just as Woohyun was a few inches away from you, you closed your eyes.

And, that's when you felt both of your lips touched.

Please give picture credits to the rightful owners. Don't forget to leave me a message♡
♡Please send lots of love and support to Infinite♡

[NOTES]: I am overwhelmed by the endless support and love from you guys. Thank you to all of my subscribers, upvoters, commenters, and silent readers. Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving and holiday!

(11.22) Special shoutout to @hiruni_1205 @nwhmsf @Aaliya_7 @rosalinebell
♡Much love♡

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