home alone ;) pt.7

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The sun has set its around 8:40pm and the sky is a dark blue color. Clouds lightly spread the sky. The water is cool on my skin but I dive in anyway. I feels nice. I turn to see boris jump in right I front of me some asking water into my face. "Asshole!" I yell lunging for him. I try to push him under but he catches my arms and pushes me under, I pull him down with me. We both refuse to let go and come up still hold each other's forearms. The stand panting out of breath because of how long we were down there. He soaked hair is falling into his face. He slowing following my body from top to bottom with his eyes. Suddenly my swim suite doesn't cover as much as I thought. I push away from him playing swimming away and wake him from his daze. He chases me and we laughing as he gains on me. I get to the ledge and get out before he can grab me. "Cheater!" He shouts. I laugh and jump in almost on top of him. We are close again, very close. I paddle away to the middle of the pool. It's shallow so I'm still able to touch. He follows me. It's silent also except for the light wind and the thundering beat of him heart. He comes over to me sleeping standing in ground of me. He lifts my chin towards him. I'm wonderstruck. Is he going to kiss me. Right now!?!?! In the pool!?!?! I close me eyes slightly and lean in slowing. In underwater. The air leave my lungs. I realize what he did . I surface and push him back "you fucker!" I say. Whipping the water from my eyes. I turn around to walk out of the pool but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "I'm sorry princessa" he says pulling me close so we are touching and he's holding me by the waist."You looked like you really wanted that" he smiles. He tucks my hair behind my ear. I can feel myself turn bright red. "You could try again" he says looking deep into my eyes. I'm so tempted to let him do whatever he wants right now. I want it too. I'm not letting him win though. I take my hand back and splash as much water as I can I to his face. He recoils looking surprised "I'm sorry boris" I say making pouting lips and swimming away laughing. He's stunned for a second it become evident he wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss him. He chases after me "get back here" he calls laughing. Once he catches me he pins me to the side of the pool. "That's wasn't very nice" he says playing with my hair. I laugh and push him away. I get out and I quickly realize the desert gets a lot colder in November when the sun isn't out. Boris comes quickly and hug me from behind with a towel. "Inside princessa, go" he says waving me to the door. He collects our stuff my the side of the pool and follows me in. He makes me take off my wet swim suite "you get sick" he says. I told him I'm to cold to get clothes. I stayed wrapped in the towel and a blanket on the couch. He runs upstairs and come down with shorts and under clothes for me. He grabs his sweater of the other end of the couch and adds it to the pile of clothes. "Here go change" he smiles and flips down on the couch. His sweater. "Boris you need your sweater it's cold out" I say worried about him and half embarrassed to wear his sweater. "You need it more princessa" he says handing the clothes to me "plus it will look better on you anyway." "I-uh-" I stop defeated and take the clothes. I go to the bathroom and put it on the shorts are spanx and the sweater ends right under my butt. It's actually really warm. It's knitted and now that its one my it almost seems like it was knitted by hands. I start to feel that warm fussy feeling just know that I'm wearing his sweater. Knowing that he wanted me to wear his sweater. I go back into the living room and Boris sits upright as room as I walk in. "How's it look" I say spinning around jokingly so he can see. "Перфект" he says smiling "told you it would look better on you." I go to the kitchen and put some pop corn in the microwave.
"No but seriously where do you get this sweater Boris it's like the soft thing ever" I say.  I take the pop corn out of the microwave and sit next to him on the couch. "My mom made it, in Ukraine" he says with out looking up. I grab his hand and smile. I want to encourage any connection he has to his mom. I wish she was still around for him. He need someone other than his father. He smiles back. "Your so perfect princessa" he says pulling me into his chest so that we are laying together. My left shoulder is in between is right and his arm put, his arm is around me, and mine is resting in his chest my left leg bent slightly over his. The warmth is back im not letting anything ruin it this time. I look up at him creating that connection we've had and lost so many times. I can see it in his eyes he feels it too. He wants it too. "Boris" I say breathlessly, quietly, pleadingly. "I know" he says closing the gap between are lips. This lips are wet but warm on mine. I've never felt a kiss quite like this. My whole body feels it not just my lips. That warmth has turned into a raging fire. Boris pulls me up onto his lap without breaking the connection. He deepens the kiss. I've never felt anything like this. We stop, breathing hard from the minute and a half we spent without air. I look down I'm so scared to look at him. I don't know why. When I look up he's still looking at me like he hasn't ever looked away. "We don't have to princessa" he says. I'm not sure how much he knows but I really want to, really. I'm afraid of where things will lead though. Empty house, sleeps in my bed, I'm wearing his clothes. I kiss him on the cheek and then slowly slide my lips to his mouth. He meets me deepening the kiss again, fighting for control. It's like nothing else in the world matters right now. His hands are in my waist holding them tight while my hands are in his messy hair. When we finally pull apart he lets out soft groan like he's not done. I know I'm not either but I'm not ready for anything more than this right now. "I-" I start to explain to him "I know princessa" he says kissing my forehead and pulling into his chest so he can hug me. We sleep just like that. Me on top of him in his sweater. His under me arms resting around my waist, chin on top of my head. It's perfect. He's perfect.

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