Epilogue 3

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TW: blood, guns

we learned to the Amsterdam about 15 minutes ago. Boris said that his driver was going to meet us outside. I wonder how he got the car I mean being that we left the US without a car and somehow when we got to Germany he was here with a car. I think as we make our way out to the car. It's not important thought. Now all that really matters is getting the paint back and staying safe. On the plane right over Boris explain to us that the Miami assholes were in fact a collector of famous paintings should've gone "missing" over the years now he himself is gone missing but Sasha is starting to feel heat from the FBI. He's willing to get rid of the painting for a large sum of money so that the FBI will get off his back. Boris is offered a great some of his own money and He's going to give it to them before they can realize it's fake then we're going to leave with the goldfinch. My thought are interrupted "glad to see you again potter" Guryi says. " you know that's not actually my name right?" Theo starts but Boris talk's over him "so?" He almost yells. Do you shoot him and almost annoyed look but he doesn't seem to notice. "Sasha is here with the painting" Guryi says " Victor got in touch, says he has a buyer. American businessman." " Who is this American businessman?" Theo asks worried. Boris smiles at him "that would be you". I smile at him and we get into the car I want a window seat but Boris refused. He says he is not greatly favorited around here and his airing on the side of precaution in case were shot at. I think he just wanted the window seat. He arrive at the hotel. It's cute queen it's not like the holiday Inn's that I'm used to. I get our key cards and I see Boris talking to Theo. " I am going to do this. I'm going to make everything right again. For you and for princessa" he says seriously. My heart is warm. Even in the mists of all this trouble something feels right. Like it was supposed to happen and we were supposed to be together again. We unload our things and then we all sleep a little jetlagged, a little just passing the time, a little because 9 o'clock tonight we meet Sasha. At 8:30 we're all piling into the car. Then we on our way and Boris is explaining the plan. This time more detailed. "40,00. My money. This they got to keep. That way they don't look so close at bank draft. By the time they realize is no good, we are long gone" he says simply. We listen intently amazed at how easy this comes to him this is the life he's been living. And some part of me wishes I had been living it with him. "Now story is you are based in New York, very rich man" Boris explains Theo's role. Theo nods Agreeingly. Boris takes a gun out of his jacket inside pocket and loads it. I feel myself flinch a little dispute trying to not. Boris sees me and Theo's hesitant looks. "Is just for show" he says looking at up reassuringly and cocking it. Theo looks as if he about to throw up. I just feel a little tense but it's only for show. When we get there we all go in a stand slightly behind Boris to the left Theo stands quite a bit away from him but still slightly behind. Boris has two bodyguards with him I think one is also his driver. I can't tell, I'm very focused on the guy on the phone and his body guards. The guy on the phone hangs up and walks towards us emotions us to come forward. Guryi walks forward handing him a bag full of money. He says something in a language I don't understand. I watch intently as the man looks towards theo. Theo looks around and then reaches into his pocket slowly pulling out a check and handing it to him. Theo looks on intensely as the man examines the check. The man stares at him looking angry and before I know what's happening Guryi has punched the man. Boris's other bodyguard checks him for a gun as Boris pushes me behind him and points his gun at the man's bodyguard who puts his hands up in surrender. Boris's bodyguard hands him the man's gun and Boris puts in his boot still pointing the gun towards the man's bodyguard. A loud crash and a man runs through the kitchen. Theo shouts "T-Theres someone in the back" nervously. Boris takes the man's bodyguards gun still pointing his own at the bodyguard.Boris's bodyguard scans the back for someone but finds nothing. Boris slams the man's bodyguard to the floor and voices got into his back. "No one there" braces second bodyguard says prancing back in with the man and the briefcase that holds the painting. He holds it up for Boris to take and he takes it slowly cautiously. They let the guys go also slowly and cautiously taking their guns with them and leaving quickly with the painting. Once we get away and to the car we open it up. And she's there. Theo's bird. I smile it's almost nostalgic I haven't seen it since we were living with Larry since that night. Boris is talking to someone in another car but me and Theo to stare edit standing there in awe. I can feel tears for me in my eyes. I look at theo his expression is blank except for one sweet smile spread across his lips. The car drives away and Boris walks over slowly. They touch each other shoulders and then pull in so that their foreheads are touching I smile at them it's a peaceful moment. The end. Boris walks over to me grabs my face points down words and kisses my forehead the way he does. "We did princessa" he smiles. He turns to theo and we all hug. We let go. "A lot of trouble" Boris says closing the case "but worth it yes?" He smiles. "Yes." Theo says flatly smiling at him. We all laugh. "Merry Christmas" a voice says from behind us. There men with guns approach us and borrow steps in front of me again pushing me behind him. They put the gun to his head and I'm silent. Everything that was perfect everything that was okay for just a second has been completely utterly destroyed. The peace that I finally felt has been ripped from you leaving a black hole sucking out everything I know to be true and every ounce of sanity I have left. He can't die. This can't be happening. Not Boris. We just got to be happy. We just got to be free. I was over. We got Theo's bird and it's over it's over it's over it's over. I feel the tears streaming down my face now but I can't make a sound. I can't do anything. The man takes Boris's gun and puts it into his pants. He grabs the handle of the briefcase and tries to jerk it away from Boris holds on. He jerks again and Boris doesn't budge. There are big tears in his eyes but they aren't falling. The vein in his forehead is bulging. Please Boris let go. Please your life isn't worth some stupid painting. Theo will forgive. I promise. Just let go. The words are screaming in my head but I can't get them out. "Don't be a prick Boris" the man says looking at him. We all know now that if Boris doesn't let go his fate is determined. Boris looks enough and down how many looks to Theo and then he reaches his hand back and puts it in mine. "I'm sorry" he says. The man jerks one last time and Boris doesn't let go. The gun fire is like a bang. I don't even flinch. I just scream "NO" and fall onto to floor next to him. He gone already. He was gone before he hit the floor. My laying next to him now. The man is already leaving with the painting I don't care. Theo is standing there. He hasn't moved. I'm so scared. Boris head is in my lap. He just needs help. that's it we just need to get him help. please help. He's bleeding into my lap there gapping hole in the left side of his head. I try to but my hand over it to stop the bleeding. He eyes are gone they won't look at mine. "No no no no no no no" I shout to myself. I look at the theo hands drenched in blood. I'm sobbing now. I can't stop it. "CALL SOMEONE! THEI HELP PLEASE CALL AND AMBULANCE! CALL GURYI PLEASE SOMEBODY!" I'm wailing I can't help myself. He can't be gone. We where all finally together again he can't be gone.

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