Not alone pt.8

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I wake up before Boris and I go upstairs to shower. I'm not even sure where to begin to unpack what happened last night. I mean boris did have a beer with dinner maybe he was tipsy. Maybe I'm just in my head. I wish I knew what was in his head. I don't want to ruin anything about me and him so I think I'm just not going to bring it up. After I shower I put on Boris's sweater and some shorts. I go down stairs and see he's awake. I sit next to him on the couch. He grabs my hand when I get close enough and pulls me on his lap. He grabs my face like he's examining it and then he kisses me. I don't think he was tipsy last night. It's a quick kiss but it happened none the less. "You want poptart?" He says getting up to go to the kitchen. "Yes please" I call after him. I light a cigarette form a old pack I found in the bathroom. When boris comes back he takes one and light it also we smoke while we wait for the pop tarts to finish toast. "I was wrong" boris says looking at you. "What do you mean?" I say putting out my cigarette. "You don't look better with that sweater" he says flicking his ashes "you look hot" he says smiling at me. I flush red. The pop tarts pop up and he kisses my forehead before getting up to get them. "We should stay at my house tonight" he says sitting down and handing me a plate of pop tarts. "Boris you locked your self out remember" I say eating my pop tart. "Oh no" he says simply "I only said this so you would let me stay." "What?" I say somewhere between mad and flattered. "I said this so you would let me stay. I don't want to be alone, I want to be with you" he smiles "also I have no neighbors who would I need to keep out of my house" he says sarcastically. "Little shit!" I say a little impressed by his lie. "You mean I could have had a weekend of peace instead of babysitting you" I add sarcastically. " I babysat you" he says "five more minutes and you would break down door to Xandras room to get into cigarettes. I entertained" he says sarcastically and a little defensively talking with his hands like he does. What are we? It doesn't really matter. I love boris as more than a friend but as a friend too. I'm not gonna let this complicate things right now. Instead I just lean forward and say "yea right" he closes the gap with a kiss. The front door opens hitting a walk with a loud bang. Theo comes in hauling a bunch of suite cases. He's obviously struggling and me and Boris are surprised pulling away from each other though theo obviously didn't seem to notice. Boris doesn't let go of my hand but he calls "hey potter" and waves. "Help me fucker!" theo shouts at him. Boris jumps up and helps him. "What are you doing back?" I ask theo. "Oh we got kicked out of hotel so I had to take the bus back home and dad's coming once he covers the funds" he says. "Omg what happened?" I ask grabbing a suite case and following him and Boris upstairs because I'm now really interested in what he has to say. "Dad got drunk and he called the owner a not so nice word for black person and then broke the rooms microwave all because he thought they over charged him for room service and now he has to stay and work out what happened so that he doesn't get arrested" theo says dropping the suite case in the ground next to his bed and flopping down onto the bed. "This has been the longest weekend ever" he says into the mattress so it's muffled. He sits up and we sit with him. "Your dad's insain dude" I say shocked by Larry. "I know" he sighs and rolled his eyes. "The one time you hang out with out me and dad steals me away on a 'weekend getaway'" he says rolling his eyes "Y'all are never aloud to do anything alone ever again." Me and boris exchange looks and start to smile. "What" theo says angry now. "Nothing potter your funny is all" he says smiling him on the back. And then turning to wink at me.

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