Epilogue 2

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Once Boris calm down and we got back to his apartment. "Come in" he gestures to me. I shake my head lightly "I can't boris". This hurt him I know "please princessa" he said he eyes begging me the same way they used to when we where kids. It's a look I could get lost in forever. I remember what's actually happening now and though I love boris theo needs me right now I think maybe a little more than boris does. "Boris, I love you but you fucked up, bad, I know you did mean too. That's why you have to fix things and fix them by Thursday" I say getting out a pin and writing down my adress on him hand "this is my address be there 6pm Thursday. We are going to Theo's wedding dinner and we are going to fix this boris" I look into his eyes. He smiles at me and I know he see's it just like it say the same as the familiar mysterious glaze I saw in his eyes the second we saw him. He see's me as I was as a kid, as I am today, the Pilar the one who holds things together. He knows I've been trying to outrun that roll my whole life, the constant pressure. And he thanks me for it be used in this moment it's just what he needs. He smirks slightly at this slight case of déjà vu and before I can even react he is kissing me. It's long at lingering longs passionate kiss like when we where kids it's sweet and genuine, light and strangely romantic it doesn't linger. Once we are apart and looking at each other in the dimly lit hallway not awkwardly but the opposite. We feel calm and sure for the first time in along time. I remember Theo suddenly. "Good night Boris" I say softly. "Goodnight princessa" he grabs my head and pulls in in and slightly down ward so he can kiss my forehead the way he does. And then I am gone. I take a cab to the storage unit I know theo will be there. I'm worried it might be a while before he leaves though. When I get there I sits down outside the entrance and wait because I don't have a key. Some time goes by and I don't notice but I guess I started to drift off because when theo walked out it scared me awake. "Holy shut y/n!" He shouts. I stand up and hug hug. before he can say anything he's hugging me back and putting his head on my shoulders. It's a peaceful friendly hug. I feel him start to cry softly. I hug him and cry with him, cry for him. Theo's whole life has been nothing but tragedy after tragedy. All of our lives have been bad event after bad event and just when we thought we had beat it. When our bad luck had finally run out another hit. And because of that for some reason we are connected by our problems and situations but also by our similarities. I think now that that's why we need each other so much. I call us a cab and we go back to Theo's. I make sure he's I side and then I leave. As I'm walking down the hall I see kitsey she's going to Theo's apartment. I stop her "I know about Tom" I say looking at her. She looks worried for a minute "he's just an old friend silly" she says smiling and walking past. "Kitsey don't you dare go fucking bother him after what you did" I stare at her hard and angry. She backs down "he's my fiancé you know? You can't boss me around. And I didn't do anything" she says turning. She leaves. God I hate that bitch.


There's a knock at the door. I just finished getting ready for Theo's party. I open the door and see Boris standing there. He cleans up nice. Somewhere in this freshly shaven face I can see the outline of the Boris I knew. "Beautiful, princess" he says looking at me. There a light smirk on his face and he twirled me around. I let him into the house and we make our way to the living room. "So the plan-" he starts. I walk back into the room. "Save it for theo" I say pressing my finger against his lip and looking at him seriously. I back up once I realize how close we are. Boris smiles and grabs my face kissing it. He smiles into the kiss, it feels happy and nostalgic. When is over i ask "what?" Laughing. "You" he says still smiling. I laugh. "It's just- your just like I remember and so different. It's like you always wanted" he smiles and lifts my chin that way he does "your strong, independent, reliable, beautiful, and nothing like Xandra." He kisses my forehead and back slightly away so we are maybe 3 inches apart. I stare at him. That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I kiss him passionately tangling me fingering into his messy hair. It's not like before is power it's something I haven't felt with anyone else ever. It's something I haven't felt since we left Boris. He leans into the kiss before we break away. "I love you" he says softly. I wrap my hands around his neck and he holds me close. I never thought he was serious before this. I mean when we where kids maybe a little part of it had to be real. Now as adults the last two kisses before I thought where playful they where reminiscent but this kiss was different. It was now. "I love you" I say, I think I mean more than I've ever meant anything.

I inter Theo's party alone. I'm dress nicely and I don't feel like I look lonely even though I'm alone. Theo runs over and hugs me. We go get drinks and then he's called off to greet people I can tell he doesn't really like. Oh Theo, I think. I'm at the bar now watching the party go on around me and waiting for Boris. "Y/n where's your date?" Kitsey says kind of pouting. "He's coming" I smile sarcastically "he likes to  make a big entrance so he's always fashionably late." "Oh" Kitsey says "well, i can't wait to meet him" she smiles and turning away. "I bet so" I say under my breath smiling to myself. I go join theo who is watching the party seemingly from the outside. I know he hates this stuff. It breaks my heart how much he does for Kitsey and little he gets in return. "Some party" I say smiling. He laughs " I know a beautiful bride to be, her drug addict fiancé, and a bunch of people who have no idea she cheating on him" he says jokingly but there's a hen of sadness in his face. Boris slowly walks up beside us champagne glass in hand and takes a long slow sip watching the crowd. Theo and I look at him almost in awe. "Which one is she!" He says looking around "is that her? Loveliest lady in the room. Go tell your lovely lady that you have to leave" he adds calming never looking at us. " what are you doing here?" Theo asks He sounds angry but almost excited at the same time. " I have a ticket for you but you must leave now" he says finally look at us. "Where?" Theo asks without hesitation. "Amsterdam" Boris responds just as quickly. "Why the fuck would I go to Amsterdam?" Theo asks confused and a little angry. "Cause you want it back" Boris says a little harshly. They stare at each other for a minute but no realization is needed Theo knows what he means from the moment Boris says it. Forest tips his glass and downs the rest of his champagne turning back to the crowd Theo is still looking at him. Now I'm looking at Theo and for the first time in a long time I can't guess his next move. Boris walks away into the crowd and I follow we watch theo as he makes his way to Kitsey. I smile. Finally someone deflates that birches big head. "Oh there you are" she smiles " you have to meet my godmother." Theo takes her hand and pulls her away from the crowd without words. I'm studying these actions they don't seem to be anything Theo was capable of 48 hours ago. "I'm going" he says flatly. " you can't there's more photographs" she says the sec he doesn't have a choice and like she knows that he doesn't have a choice. " i'm going to be away for a few days. Make up an excuse for me" he says with an emotion I can't quite describe somewhere between sadness and hatred. She bites the inside of her cheek angrily. And the. Softens "are you coming back?" She says quietly almost sadly. He stares at her "take care Kitsey" he says touching her shoulder and then leaving joining me and Boris. Boris sneaks and arm around my waist and one around Theo shoulder and we walk out together. I flip Kitsey the bird I know she can't see it I know Boris and Theo can't see it either it was just for me for everything that she's done to my best friend. Now we are going to get Theo's bird back.

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