Part 26: Baby Dragon

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Over the next few weeks, y/n mostly focused on homework and refused to speak to Draco until he had finished his detention sentence. Flitwick had given him three days since he immediately went and broke the rules after the lesson. He was to go to the charms classroom after class to clean and polish the school's wands to perfection. Once he had finished detention, y/n figured she could stop completely ignoring him. 

During his detention sentence, Gryffindor played Hufflepuff. At the match Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle started a fight with Ronald Weasley and Neville. Y/N sat and watched the game, still ignoring Draco at the time, and got to witness one of the quickest games of Quidditch in Hogwarts history. After Snape had awarded Hufflepuff two penalties, Potter found the snitch and dove for it, ending the game at record breaking speed.  

In the weeks after the match, the teachers had decided to pile on as much homework as possible in preparation for the exams and most people stayed in school over the Easter Holiday to study. Y/N was disappointed that she didn't get to go home and see her family, but knew she had to stay at school. Luckily for her and Draco, y/n had forgiven him and the two went back to their late night studies, allowing them to cram in even more homework.  

Y/N and her friends had all gotten into a good study routine. On weekdays, the girls would study in their dorm until lights out, then y/n and Draco would sneak out to study together, unbeknownst to the others. On Saturdays, everyone studied together until bedtime. Usually, they all had their homework done by Sunday, but when they didn't they would study in the morning and finish their assignments for the week, then take the rest of the day for themselves. 

The routine worked well and everyone was getting good grades. That is, except for Crabbe, who complained about studying instead of doing so, and Blaise, who wouldn't accept help from anyone, even when he was struggling.

It had been weeks since anyone had gotten in trouble, and y/n was much happier than normal because of it. They weren't all trouble making Slytherins, they were just kids at school, doing homework and enjoying free time. 

Until Draco had to mess it up. 

One morning during lunch, Draco came running into the great hall, gasping for breath. 

"Guys! You'll never believe what I've just seen! That oaf Hagrid has a baby dragon! It just hatched in his hut! Potter, Weasley, and Granger were all there! I had to run because the giant saw me, but I saw it hatch!"

"Yeah, right. You really expect us to believe that Draco?" Pansy asked, rolling her eyes and returning to her conversation. 


"Come on, Draco. As cool as that sounds, there's no way the grounds keeper is hiding an illegal dragon in his tiny hut." And Blaise too turned to his own conversation, ignoring the far fetched story Draco was telling. 

"You believe me though, right y/n?" Draco asked desperately. 

"Well...It's illegal. Why would a Hogwarts staff member keep an illegal baby dragon?" Draco's face fell. "I'm not saying I don't believe you, it's just...I need proof. I'm not going to jump to conclusions."

Draco perked up a bit. "Okay, I'll find proof then."

"That can wait, Draco," Pansy said, pausing the other conversation. "Eat your lunch. We've got class again soon, and you'll regret it if you go to class hungry."

"She's right," added Sarah. "We all know how we get when we're hungry. I am not dealing with that for Potions."

Everyone laughed, mostly forgetting about the baby dragon, but Draco wouldn't drop it. Y/N knew that much. He believed what he saw, and he was going to prove it somehow. 

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