Versus the Mountain - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

"Amazing." Ryans dad said as they began to move the rocks with the gravity pucks.

"Yeah it shouldn't take much longer now." Ryans voice said in return, while Spyder, Harris and I continued to listen in through the mech-links.

"Good, there's not much time." His dad sighs.

"It must be hard, you know, working such a dangerous job." Ryan tries to make small talk. "Uh, you mentioned you had a family?"

"Wife." His dad replied.

"Any kids?" Ryan asked.

"No, no, no kids." Ryans dad hesitated. "But I do have people that depend on me, and their on the other side of these rocks. You sure you're okay, you seem like you've got something in your mind."

"What? No, no. It's just two guys trapped in a mine, trying to make conversation." Ryan awkwardly laughed. They continued to move rocks until we heard other voices coming from the other miners.

"Hey look!"

"Come on help him."

"Good news, we found the miners." Ryan said to us as we felt the ground shake under our feet. "You guys hang on, okay."

"Harris, what was that?" I asked referring to the shake of the ground.

"That rock wall was supporting the whole ceiling it's all coming down!" Harris says into his mech-link.

"Ry, you guys gotta get out of there." I added.

"Come on! Let's get to the elevator!" I could hear him yell.

"Look out!" His dad screamed before we heard rumbling and then he yelled out in pain.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked. 

"My leg is pinned." His dad groaned. "The whole place is coming down. Go!"

"No I'm not leaving without you!" Ryans voice yelled.

"Kid, don't risk your life for me. You don't even know me!" His dad continues to say.

"Yes I do!" Ryan cut him off. "My name is Ryan." I hit the mute button on my mech-link and spun around to Spyder and Harris. 

"I feel like that's a conversation that should not be listened in on." I said.

 "Agreed." Harris says, looking at his computer while Spyder nodded. I gave him a few seconds and turned off the mute button.

"Come on, Ryan you're almost there." Harris says. An alarm went off in the robot as Spyder said,

"Oh no, that can't be good." I came over to his desk looking over his shoulder at the scanners showing the elevator had stopped moving.

"Those rocks just blocked the exit, they won't be able to get out." Harris says.

"I got this." Spyder grins. "When defense doesn't work, offense takes over."

"Spyder are you nuts?" Harris asked.

"Yes. Appreciate." He responds before smacking the fire button. Rocket missiles left the shoulder cannons blasting the rocks in the way.

"You cleared the hole but the elevators still jammed." Harris said.

"Oh I'm not done." Spyder smiles. "Ryan grappling grip." He says into his mech-link.

"Got it." He said in return. Spyder fires the grappling grip into the hole in the side of the mountain, pulling the elevator full of miners out, and placing it safely back on the ground by the company's barn. The robot than went into hologram mode as the miners filed out of the elevator, everyone but Ryan and his dad left the group. I once again muted my mech-link and let the conversation be private. Ryan pointed up to the robot, showing his dad the the robot with out the holograms. I occasionally had Spyder grab screenshots from the video feed of the two of them. The two said their goodbyes before Ryan came around the back of the barn and climbed back in the robot, taking our elevator back to the control center. I jumped out of my chair when he got back, greeting him with a hug.

"Told you I'd be fine." He says.

"I still think I could of been helpful." I replied. He just smiled, keeping one arm around me as we walked back to the middle of the room.

"Nice job guys." He said to Harris and Spyder. "We should probably get out of here."

"Hey before we do that, Spyder and I took some screen shots of you two of the video feed." Spyder nodded at me, pressing a button on his desk, allowing the pictures to appear on the big screen.

"Thanks guys." He says admiring the pictures. "That's awesome."

"B.T.W Dakota thinks your hot." Spyder laughed.

"That's not news to me, I already new that." He replied side eyeing me with a smirk as Spyder snapped his fingers in disappointment earring a laugh from me. "What do you say we go see a giant corn flake?"

"Yes!" Spyder cheered as Harris and I rolled our eyes.

"You gotta get back to Bay City." Mark says in a panic, his face had just appeared on our screens.

"All right, we're on our way." Ryan said stepping down the stairs.

"We never get to do my thing." Spyder sighs.


Ryan rocket jumped us back to the city, we stopped at the top of a hill, looking out over the sky line. All the buildings and lights flashing on and off.

"The city's power grid is out of control!" Harris says.

"What's going on?"

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now