Chapter 19

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Mercy had gotten to the restaurant and was waiting for about 5-10 minutes before Kelvin came in.

"Ken, why did you have to keep me waiting?".

"Am very very sorry. Please pardon me".

"Tell me what was so important that you had to call so urgently".

"Mercy I need your signature for some contract papers because of your status".

"What type of contract is this?"

"It's a land contract".

"Are you with the documents here?".

"Yes, am with the documents. I didn't want to stress you with going from one place to the other".

"Alright, give it to me". Kelvin gave the documents to Mercy who made to go through it.

"Dear, you don't really have to stress yourself going through the papers, I have done that".

"I only want to be sure about it".

"Alright, if you wish", Kelvin said as he started sweating uncontrollably. 'Oh God, don't let her read it. She doesn't and shouldn't have to know that am trying to clear her bank account. If she finds out, I will be doomed and arrested for fraud. God please don't let this happen'. Kelvin was feeling restless as Mercy's phone rang.

"Miss Mercy, you're needed urgently at the office".

"Alright, am on my way", Mercy said as she got up to leave the restaurant.

"Mercy, get the papers signed before you leave", Kelvin said as Mercy ignorantly signed the papers and left. She was in a hurry that she wasn't aware of that, she only wanted to get to the office on time.

Mercy got into her car and left as Kelvin smiled from behind. 'Yes this is all I've ever dreamed of -all her possessions are all mine and mine alone. God really answers prayers, he has fulfilled my dreams. Now it's left for me to give it to the lawyer but first the bank has to sign. I'll do that in no time but what day? Anyways that's not important'.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mercy got to the office and was told that she wasn't needed and there was no call sent through to her. 'Who then would've done that and why? I think I need to get home immediately and get this over with and what was that that Kelvin wanted me to sign?'. Mercy thought as she went straight to her car and drove off. She was deep in thought and couldn't even figure out what it was she was asked to sign and why.

She was also confused if she had signed it or not, she was certainly not sure about anything and needed someone to help arrange and explain what just happened. She struggled to be steady on the road in other to avoid accident. She got home safely and happy that she rushed into the sitting room and saw Chloe, Andrew, Chris, Angel and Michael in a very moody state. They were all sitting exhausted and frustrated.

Michael on sighting her got up and rushed to her. He kept on starring at her lost in words as Chloe spoke up.

"Why did you sign it?" Chloe said in a very pitiful tone. "After all we did, you still signed it".

"I promise I don't know what you speak of", Mercy said looking at everyone with a confused face.

"You all get in here first", Chris said trying to make things quick. Michael, Chloe and Mercy got in and sat down as Chloe brought out some photographs and gave them to Mercy. Mercy took them and examined them then it occurred to her that she had really signed those papers unaware. She couldn't believe she didn't read them.

"This is the first time am signing a document I know nothing about", she said looking furious. "Chloe, please tell me what it was".

"How do you expect me to tell you what it was? Am sorry, I can't be the source of your sadness", Chloe said drifting her look away from Mercy.

"If you wouldn't tell me then who will? Chloe, Mick won't want to hurt me either would Andy, Angel can't even say a word to me because she knows am furious, Chris won't want Angel to be scared of my reaction", Mercy said to Chloe sincerely.

"And what makes you think that I could tell you?".

"Every part of my instance is saying you're the only one who could tell me everything because you wouldn't want me to be hurt".

"But if I say it I'll be hurting you".

"I still want you to tell me".

"Hmmm," Chloe took a long breathe before altering out words, "Kelvin has tricked and even dupped you. He has...he has...", She tried to let out the words which was hard for her. "taken over all your possessions on paper and is about to get the lawyer to sign it and then you'll be broke". She said in a rush as she had already started sweating.

"What? This isn't true, I mean how can I.... what am I saying, how could those papers be signed by me? No this can't be. Chloe you have to do something, you guys have to help me. If anything should happen everyone would know about this, please, you all have to stop him, please". Mercy said in fear.

"Am sorry Mercy, I am not sure it will be possible but I would try my best to do something", Chloe said sincerely as she tried to get up and take a glass of water, "awuch", she screamed.

"What's that?", "Are you hurt?", we're their numerous reply and almost at the same time.

"It's nothing", Chloe said, as she made to move again she screamed "awwuchh".

"Chloe you're really hurt just get seated, sit down. How could you have been injured and told no one about it?", Andrew said to Chloe as he rushed to her almost upset.

"Andy am sorry, don't be upset, I really didn't want anyone to be worried", Chloe said to Andrew sincerely after she sat down.

"When did this happen?", Mercy asked no one in particular and received no reply, "please someone should say something".

"The moment she was trying to get what was in those papers", Michael said as Andrew helped Chloe and Angel left with Chris. Everyone's mind ran wide, no one knew the next step to take from here.

Mercy and Michael were the only people left in the sitting room, there was silence in the sitting room for a while before Mercy spoke up;

"Mick, I know you'll never think of hurting me why then do I always hurt you and yet you always forgive me, why?", Mercy asked almost shading tears.

"Don't say that, you don't do it on purpose".

"But I do hurt you, right?".

"No you don't, you only get me stressed-up thinking about you".

"It still hurts, right?".

"I love it when I think about you but when the thought of Kelvin comes in it hurts".

"So Kelvin hurts you and not me?".


"But I brought him into your life?"

"It's destiny and not you because I know you wouldn't want this".

"Mick, am sorry".

"Please don't apologize because nothing is your fault, okay?", Michael said looking straight into her eyes, "Mercy?"

"Yes, Mick"

"I want to say something to you"

"Am all ears"

"Mercy, am.... I've..."

"Mick please speak up"

"Am in love with you Mercy, I've fallen in love with you".

"Mick are you joking?"

"Of course not, I love you Mercy. Am ready to do anything for the one am in love with. Mercy please give me a chance to prove my love and I promise not to hurt you", he said sincerely.

"I know you'll never hurt me so am saying yes to your request".

"Are you serious?", Michael said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes", Mercy said all smiling.

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