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Me, trig, Sparrow, Draco, and shoota were sitting in the truck waiting for the girls' signal.

"we got 'em all come on in." killa said over the earpieces.

"let's get our shit back. Y'all already know the plan. Execute and get out." Draco instructed.

Everyone nodded.

Me, trig and shoota got out the van and swiftly moved toward the house of our enemy.

I motioned for trig to go around the back while I went toward the front door and shoota went around the side of the house. I had my gun ready to shoot.

I scanned the living room stepping over dead bodies. I slowly made my way up the staircase.

the girls were coming out of one of the bedrooms with bags of money in their hands. "we got the cash and some product that they had, but we couldn't get the safe open." killa informed.

"a'ight, we got the rest." I told them.

they walked out of the house and i called for shoota since he could get into any and everything that wasn't accessible to either one of us.

He ran upstairs and came into the back room where I was. "do ya thing young bull."

"fasho" he smirked at the safe.

I left him in the room and went to search the other bedrooms.

While I was in searching one of the room I heard sniffling coming from the closet. I opened it, aiming my gun, but put it away seeing two little girls who looked to be six and three.

"hey, I'm not gone hurt y'all." I spoke softly.

I got the out of the closet and out of the house shielding them from the dead bodies.

I'm a hit man, but I draw the line at killing innocent little kids. I aimed my gun as i went back into the house. But something didn't seem right.

I looked down at the bodies, seeing that one of the six were gone I heard shuffling coming from upstairs, I ran up the staircase into the room that shoota was in.

He was standing over one of the dudes and emptied six clips into that boy head. "damn nigga" i chuckled.

As we were walking out of the room, someone jumped out of the hallway closet and charged at me. We fell onto the ground tussling back and forth. My gun slid into the bathroom.

shit i cursed under my breath.

Me and the heavy dude fist fought. I seen he had a gun tucked in his waist. I grabbed it and shot him in the leg. He fell onto the bathroom floor.

I shot him one more time before walking away, but dude wasn't dead. I heard a gun go off and felt a burning sensation on my body.

I fell onto the floor and passed out.


I zoomed through the city traffic and ran red lights on my way to the hospital with dej.

Mariah called me and told me that Bakari had been shot. My heart had been racing since I left the house. I prayed all the way to the hospital.

I can't lose the love of my life and my best friend. I just can't. I pulled up to the hospital and me and deija got out. "hi, I'm here to see bakari mitchell." I told the man at the front desk.

"are you family? only family can see patients." he said smartly.

"yes, that's my fiancé." I lied.

He looked up from the computer and mumbled something smart under his breath. I ignored him.

"look sir, can you tell us what room he is in or what?" dej mugged, getting loud.

"no need to get loud ma'am. what is his name?"

"Bakari Deontae Mitchell." I told him.

"it says he is still in surgery. you can wait in the waiting room down that hallway." the guy pointed.

The two girls walked down the hallway and seen their friends, "what happened?" Jalaiah questioned trying to maintain her composure.

"We went to pay some people a visit and shit went left. Bk was shot. He in surgery now."

We waited for an hour until Bakari's doctor came over to us, "family of Bakari Mitchell."

"that's us." we all stood up.

"how is he, doctor?" I asked worried.

"Mr. Mitchell sustained two gunshot wounds, one to the right side of his shoulder and the other to his lower abdomen. He is lucky to be alive. It was touch and go because lost a lot of blood. We had to do an emergency blood transfusion. He is in recovery now, i will take you to him." the doctor smiled.

A weight lifted off of my shoulder and I felt like I could breath normally again.

The doctor took us back to Bakari's room when I seen him I practically ran to his side, "I'm here. I'm here." I sniffled wiping a tear that fell.

Bakari was groggy from the pain medication that they'd given him, but he was so happy to hear jalaiah's voice.

one month later

"take it easy, you're still recovering." Jalaiah spoke hurrying to Bakari's side to help him get up out of bed.

Bakari's arm was in a sling, so could only do so much for himself. Anything else that required both of his hands, he needed help to do.

"I got this! I don't need any help." Bakari raised his voice causing jalaiah to put her hands up and move back.

"ok, no need to raise your voice. I'm trying to help." she said calmly walking back in the bathroom.

"baby, I apologize for yelling. I didn't mean it, i should be thanking you for being here for me and trying to take care of me, so thank you bae." Bakari walking into the bathroom.

He stood in the doorway staring at jalaiah as she got ready for work. "you're welcome. jr and draco are coming over after I leave to keep you company. I will see you when i get home tonight. I love you." Jalaiah smiled kissing Bakari.

She was about to walk away, but he stopped her. "do you have to? ima miss you." bakari sighed, licking his lips.

He didn't want to be around a lot of people, he only wanted to be with Jalaiah and he felt miserable every time she had to leave for work.

"I wanna ask you something when you come home." Bakari smiled wrapping his arms around Jalaiah waist.

She looked him in his eyes, "what is it?"

"wait til tonight." he smirked, pecking her lips for the last time.

He walked her to the door and watched her get into the car and pull off. Bakari was planning on asking Jalaiah to move in with him tonight over a romantic dinner. She's been helping him out a lot and he wanted to make it officially official. They've been dating for a year now and they've talked about marriage and their future together.

They both were tired of playing house.

a few hours later

Bakari strolled through the mall trying to find something special for jalaiah's surprise.

He'd been ripping and running all day since his hang with his boys. He settled on surf and turf.

He needed some extra things to set the mood for tonight. He called a few plugs he had to decorate the house and a private chef.

The decorators were setting up at the house while he went to get the ring from his jeweler which was close to the mall, where he currently was.

Bakari went to Victoria's Secret and got Jalaiah a few pieces of lingerie of his liking.

Once he got everything that he needed he headed home to get ready.

To Be Continued...


1,300 words

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