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[trigger warning: physical and s*xual assault, violence will be apart of this chapter. I advise you to click off of skips certain parts of this chapter if you are triggered easily.]
Bakari / three months ago
(2 days after laia's disappearance)

"What the fuck do you mean she's gone? How the fuck does someone disappear into thin fucking air!" I yelled into my phone.

I've been trying to find out where Jalaiah is and so far i got nothing not even video evidence. The cameras across the street from the shop came up empty and there weren't any witnesses.

"yo bk, how are you doing?" sparrow asked sitting across from my desk.

"how the fuck do you think I'm doing? My fucking wife is missing and I don't know where the fuck she is!" I yelled furiously.

Everybody looked at us but i didn't give a fuck. The only thing i cared about is finding my wife and killing the sons of bitches who took her.

jalaiah / present day

It's been three months since I've been kidnapped. I've been tied up every day, the only time I'm able to be untied is when I go to my doctor's appointments, eat, sleep, use the bathroom or when they want to have sex with me.

Speaking of, I laid on the mattress completely naked. "please, don't do this! Nooooo" I cried.

"shut the fuck up bitch!" the guy spat as he roughly put his manhood in my mouth, forcefully thrusting it in my mouth. My body was so weak from the beatings that I couldn't fight back any more.

I silently cried as the guy took his hard dick out of my mouth and placed it at my entrance. I gasped as he put every inch inside of me.

He leaned down, putting his face in the crook of my neck as he thrusted in and out of me.

I tried my best not to react but my body had other plans. "fuck, cum all over my dick, you slut." the guy groaned, speeding his pace up even faster.

His dick twitched inside of me but he kept fucking me. "aaaaaah shit" he moaned, nutting in the condom he had on.

When he was finished he cleaned himself up and walked out leaving me laying there naked, sweaty, and a face full of semen.

I got up from the bed and wiped myself up.

I feel disgusting, useless, and i wanted to die at that very moment.

I placed my hand on my stomach, crying even more. a week after I got here, they beat me so much that I suffered a miscarriage.

I was eleven weeks and I hadn't even known it.

I've been having dreams of a family and a baby ever since it happened.

I'm not going to lie and say i haven't thought about killing myself. I've contemplated it multiple times before and during my current situation.

I cried myself to sleep, once again for the twentieth time in three months.

Bakari, where are you? I need you..please hurry.


I sat on the living room couch drinking the half empty bottle of Hennessy. I gulped every last bit of it down and threw the glass bottle at the wall watching it shatter into a million pieces.

"damn this man is worse shape than we thought" killa spoke shaking her head.

"bro, we got some good news and bad news" shoota said siting in front of me.

I stared blankly at them.

To be honest I wasn't listening to them not one bit, "we found jalaiah" my head shot towards trig.

"where she at?" I spoke.

They gave me the details on where she was at and I wanted to get her tonight. "let's go get her tonight" i said full of hope.

I looked at their faces, "we have to make a plan...she's been kidnapped by sex traffickers and they are planning to move the girls tonight, so we have to make sure this plan is steady before we miss our opportunity."

We spent the entire day going over the plan. By 7-8 o'clock we were in position outside of the motel where laia was being held.

Me and Trig were going inside of the motel while Sparrow, Zilly and Killa were hiding out waiting for the signal when we got laia.

We pretended to be customers, the people running it gave us a key and we paid. I went into the room number that was on the key, 110.

"106...108...110. Gotcha." I used the key to get in the room.

"I'll be right there" a female voice who wasn't jalaiah spoke.

She came out of the bathroom in a robe, her face was bruised. I furrowed my face, "I'm not a customer, I'm looking for someone." I told her.

"you need to leave if you aren't paying." she spat.

"can you help me? I'll pay you and just you." I spoke. She nodded and I showed her a picture of jalaiah. "I've seen her, but she's not here."

"Where is she?"

"s-she's at the house. they keep her for personal use." the girl told me.

She gave me the address and I gave her a few hundred dollars and left. I went back to the car and told everyone to meet me there.

10 minutes later

I pulled up to the abandoned house. I grabbed my gun from the center console and got out of the truck. I put my gun in my waist and waited for the team to pull up. When they did we all got in position while I knocked on the door.


"Argh" i screamed in agony as one of the women kicked my limp body, I collapsed on the floor.

"kill me, i want you to" i groaned weakly trying to move but failed.

"oh i am" she snarled punching me repeatedly until i was knocked out cold. I could still feel my body throbbing as she kicked, punched, and tortured for for days. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink.

My body was shutting down day by day.

I heard a knock on the door. A few seconds later I heard Bakari's deep voice and gunshots rung out.

"I'm in here" i tried to yell but since I was severely dehydrated and my throat was sore from screaming, I'd lost my voice.

The door to my room opened and appeared Killa, "Laia, I'm here." Mariah spoke softly, wrapping her arms around my body. She walked me out of the house and to the truck. "Who did it?"

"D-deija" i spoke above a whisper.


so deija was behind jalaiah's kidnapping, what y'all think will happen to her?

I may not end this book this soon now that I think about it.

Jalaiah's healing process begins, stay tuned.

Will laia and bk be the same after this, what y'all think?


1,163 words

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