
996 25 7

Jenesis | 4:15 pm
September 16th

"ooooh girl, look who checking you out" jadaya said, bumping my shoulder.

jadaya is my best friend and my co-captain of the Girlz Korner, our schools fashion club. I looked at the direction she was talking about and who do i see? fine ass captain of the track team Kevin Moses, my crush since the summer before 9th grade.

"oh crap, he's walking over here" chrys squeals.

"bye" i whisper waving them away.

When I turned back around kevin stood directly in front of me, smiling hard as hell.

"what's up isis, how's your day going?" kevin smiled showing off his pearly white teeth.

"hey kev, it's going ok. how about yours?" I smile, folding my arms and leaning against the brick school building.

"it's better now that I'm talking to you. first day back was pretty shitty" he shrugged.

"oh really?" I blush. "well I'm glad i could make your day better." I smile looking down at my feet.

My eyes trailed upwards, lowkey checking kevin out. this boy was all sort of fine from his fresh cut waves, his chiseled facial structure, his plump pink lips where his mustache sat above his top lip that looked kiss worthy, his toned arms - the inside of his right arm was tatted which glistened in the sun.

Speaking of the sun, it kissed his perfectly melanated skin. He still had on his track attire even though they had finished 30 minutes before we finished practicing.

"do you need a ride home?" Kev offered, toying with the white plastic water jug in his hand.

"do you need a ride home?" Kev offered, toying with the white plastic water jug in his hand

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I thought about it than I spotted my dad's car pulling up, "no, I'm good my ride is here. thanks though." i smiled nodding and walking to my dads car.

"where your sisters at?" My dad asked as I got in the backseat of the car.

"I'm not sure, let me text them." I told him as I went to our message thread and texted the group chat.

message thread

where are y'all at?

auntie riah house w/ ma 😬

why you over there? and ask tt if she can do my hair tomorrow

I got into another fight & she said she'll do it.

ok, thank you & ma ain't kill you 🤣💀

walking to the car ,, you stay in fights 😭 i thought you was the innocent one 💀

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