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Jalaiah | Miami, FL
twelve years later
September 13th

"happy birthday mommy!" isis, nissa and kay screamed happily as I came into the kitchen.

"Aww, thank you babies!" I pouted with happy tears.

The girls ran over to me giving me hugs, kisses, and their homemade birthday card. I opened it and read it aloud. My heart melted reading it.

"this is so beautiful, girls." I smiled at them wiping my tears away. I looked up seeing a full blown breakfast laid out on the island.

"good morning baby" I smiled walking over to my man.

"good morning love & happy birthday baby." he wrapped his arm around my waist, while his thumb and index finger held my chin.

He pecked my lips than licked them.

"mmm...you better stop before you start some shit" i mumbled into the kiss.

"try me & I'll have you screaming and creaming like I did last night." he glared gripping my ass in his big hands.

His eyes looked deeply and hungrily into mines. I swear he was undressing me with his eyes. My body became hot underneath his gaze.

"stop, the girls are in the next room." i whispered as he stood behind me while his hand snuck into my versace robe.

"they not gonna hear shit as long as you be quiet." he mumbled into my ear, licking my earlobe sending chills down my spine.

He rubbed fat ma through my panties, I laid my head on his shoulder and tried my best to suppress my moans. My body quivered under his grasp, "shit, I'm going to cum" i moaned blinking as if it would do something.

I brushed my lower half into his feeling him poke my ass. "Mecca," i gasped making faces as he ate me out on the breakfast table.

Mecca took his fingers out of me as I reached my climax, but before I could even orgasm he stood up and kissed me than walked out of the kitchen.

My mouth fell on the floor thinking he would come back but he didn't. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, mugging. I went into his at home studio, looking for him.

When I reached the stairs, I took in his appearance as he sat on the island in the middle of the room.

When I reached the stairs, I took in his appearance as he sat on the island in the middle of the room

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"soo you was gonna leave me in there?" I mugged clearing my throat to get his attention.

He looked up at me, "yep, you gotta take the girls to school, do you want to be late?" Mecca shrugged. He hopped down and walked over to me.

"we'll finish when you get back, promise." he whispered into my ear.

He grabbed me by my waist and pecked my lips before pulling away. I hugged and kissed him before going upstairs to get the girls in the car.

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