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the next morning
9:10 am

"Jalaiah, come on." Kiki sighed knocking on the bathroom door in the bridal suite.

Everyone was ready to take pictures.

Jalaiah opened the bathroom door, "you look gorgeous." Kiki smiled happily at her baby girl.

"thank you mommy," laia pouted, hugging her mother.

The group of ladies took their photos before and after getting dressed. The pictures were a solo shot of jalaiah and group pictures of jalaiah and her bridal party.

jalaiah's outfit is in multimedia.

When all of the photos of the bride were done the photographer took group photos of the entire bridal party

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When all of the photos of the bride were done the photographer took group photos of the entire bridal party. "it looks like your man got you a little something," Monica smiled walking into the room with a bouquet of roses and a note from Bakari.

Jalaiah smiled taking the roses and note from her sister, she silently read it and smiled bright.

queen, the first of many romantic gifts you will be receiving from me for the rest of our lives. Hope you enjoy your roses p.s.

"what does it say?" mariah asked nosily.

"none of your business, it's between me and my husband. thank you." jalaiah retorted smartly looking behind her at her friends who were all dressed up in their brown sleek bridesmaids dresses that showed off each of their individual curves.

Jalaiah and Bakari both got gifts from one another before the wedding. Jalaiah gifted her soon to be husband with a photo book of pictures of them over the years including a few intimate photos here and there.


Across the estate, Bakari and his friends were smoking, drinking, and getting dressed.

They were fully in a turn up mood, celebrating life and other successes when a knock on the door filled the room. Marcel went to get it.

"oh shit..it's a gift from the wife." marcel smirked handing the black with a tie on it to Bakari.

He read the handwritten note from his wife.

a look back on the wonderful times we had together..plus a surprise that you are guaranteed to enjoy - laia

Bakari opened the book seeing photos of him and jalaiah when they first met. He chuckled to himself flipping through the pages over the couple of years.

He used those pictures as inspiration for his vows he'd been having trouble putting his feelings in the form of words. "hey, the photographer is ready to take pictures." Quan spoke peeping into Bakari's bedroom suite.

"a'ight." Bakari nodded, closing the photo book and standing up from the bed.

The photographer got pictures of Tamir, Bakari's brother helping him put on his jacket, a solo shot of Bakari outside in the garden, and group pictures of the groom and groomsmen.

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