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Me and Bakari sat in the doctors office waiting for my name to be called, "how are you feeling?" Bakari asked rubbing his hand up and down my leg as it bounced rapidly.

"nervous" i replied honestly.

"it'll be alright. I'm here with you." he kissed my forehead.

"jalaiah mitchell" someone called out.

Me and Bakari stood up from our seats and walked over to the nurse. She took me in a hallway and took my vitals. Once she took them we followed her into one of the rooms.

"you can have a seat on that table. the doctor no will be here any minute." the nurse informed taking some things than walking out.

I looked around the room trying my best to avoid Bakari's gaze. The room was silent.

My palms were sweating and I felt as if I was going to pass out any second. I rummaged through my purse for something sweet.

The doctor came into the room with a pleasant smile. "It is good to see you again, jalaiah." dr. kenya smiled washing her hands.

"it's good to see you too doc." I smiled, "you remember my husband, Bakari."

"ay, yes. it is good to see you again bakari" dr. kenya nodded. Bakari nodded his head and smiled.

"well jalaiah, it looks like your blood sugar is extremely low. have you been taking your insulin?"

"yes, i have."

"doc, she's been throwing up, getting headaches, extremely moody, and she's been under a lot of stress lately." Bakari informed.

"jalaiah, when is the last time you had your menstrual cycle?" dr. Kenya took the information that Bakari gave her.

I thought about it for a second, "it's been awhile." I said truthfully. I've been so busy that I don't even remember when i last had my cycle.

"ok, well. I would like to run a few test. When i get the results i will call you."

"ok" i nodded.

two hours later

After taking multiple test I scheduled my next doctors appointment and Bakari took me to the shop with him. "I'm going to get something to eat." I told Bakari who got caught in an important phone call when we got into his office.

"okay, be safe and don't talk to no one."

"ok" i nodded walking out of the shop.

I walked across the street to the plaza. I decided on getting teriyaki shrimp from the japanese restaurant. I had the bag in my hand as I left out of the restaurant.

"excuse me miss, did you drop this?" a male voice yelled from behind me. I turned around, "is this yours?" he asked referring to the receipt in his hand.

I peeped my receipt in my bag, "no, sorry wrong person." I smiled, starting to walk a little faster.

Before I knew it, i was being knocked out.

six hours later
10:34 pm

"she's waking up" i heard voices as my eyes open from my long "nap".

My eyes closed immediately trying to adjust to the bright add light in my face. "Where am I?" I asked groggy as the effects of whatever they knocked me out with wore off. "Who are you?" I questioned trying to moved but i couldn't.

I looked at my arms seeing that they were tied up to a bed. What the fuck is going on?

"well well well, if it isn't little miss my life is perfect" a familiar voice spoke.

The figure emerged from the dark corner in the room. "What the fuck?" My body became enraged with anger, I wanted to unleash hell on the person.

"hello laia , how are you?" she smirked evilly walking toward me. she bent down to me and caressed my face with the back of her hand.

"don't fucking touch me!" I snarled at her trying to bite her finger. She slammed me hard across my face before kicking me.

"what do you want us to do with her?" one of the guys in the room asked.

"do whatever you please, don't kill her." she smirked leaving out of the room.

The three guys walked over to me. They took my clothes off and took turns having sex with me.


What do you think the results are going to be?

Jalaiah was kidnapped, who y'all think is behind it? Why?

Will Bakari find his wife before anything happens to her?


737 words

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