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Mariah | 1:45 am
November 7th

"what was that?" i question looking behind me into the deep wooded area around us.

"b-bakari? someone please go check on him!" jalaiah sat in front of me, sniffling with glossy eyes.

"wait, i see someone coming" desmond spoke in a hush tone, my eyes darted in the direction of the tall figure coming toward us.

"Kari!" Jalaiah shouted, stumbling to her feet with tears staining her face.

She sped walked in his direction, but stopped.

They walked closer toward us, it was Kari.

I exhaled the breath i was holding but worry immediately followed once i seen he was bleeding, "it's not my blood." He spoke as if he could read everyone's mind.

"where is he?" jr questioned.

"He's gone. For good." He cupped Jalaiah's face, pecking her lips. He whispered something to her making her smile from ear to ear.

"let's go home." bakari spoke, we nodded getting back into the car. Marcel drove.

Bakari | 5:15 am
November 7th

"you should get some rest mamas, c'mere." I pull jalaiah closer to my body, wrapping my arms tightly around her body.

she laid her head on my chest while tracing my tattoos with her acrylic finger nail, "that shit feels good." i lowly chuckle, kissing the top of her head. she grinned.

"what's on your mind?" i question.

I could tell by her body language and absentmindedness that the events were still heavy on her mind, but i didn't want to force her.

"you scared me back there, i thought i lost you again." she sniffled, her eyes were glossed over by tears.

I pulled her on top of me, looking into her eyes. "i know, I'm sorry. I'm never leaving you or the girls again, understand."

"promise me."

"i promise to never leave you or our kids, no matter what." i kiss her lips.

"i apologize too."

"for what?"

"for moving on, for not being strong enough for our girls nor myself to leave when shit got bad. Especially when he started hitting Nissa." she sighed, tears falling from her eyes.

I continuously wiped them away, reassuring her that everything would be alright. her tears dried up almost instantly as i rubbed her back.

light snores escaped from her while i looked up at the ceiling, my mind filled with the recent events and how my life had played out this far.

I really met and fell in love with a church girl.

I wouldn't have never thought me, a reformed player and gang banger turned business owner, father, and husband would make it out of the hood.

But i did and i couldn't be more happier.

"good night mamas." i coo'd kissing the top of jalaiah's forehead. I stared at a picture of me, jalaiah and our little family on the nightstand, i silently thanked the man above before drifting off to sleep.


I laid on top of bakari, fake asleep.

I lifted my head off of his chest, staring at him as he slept peacefully. I kissed his lips.

A smile gracing his face and the familiar feeling washed over me. All of these years later and he still had a way of making me get butterflies.

Life really had a way of making things happen, I've gotten everything I've ever prayed for and more. I couldn't be happier with my life.

I have both of my parents, my friends, my business, my man, and our beautiful little family of five.

I laid my head back on bakari's chest, thanking god and all of his angels for hearing my prayers.

My eyes flutter shut til the entire room became dark. I fell into a peaceful slumber.

The End (fr fr)

628 words

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