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jalaiah | 2:25 pm
October 3rd

It's a week before my baby Kay's 13th birthday, me and mecca have been out making arrangements and getting all of the gifts she said she wanted for her birthday.

We've been shopping all damn day and just got home from the lounge getting food.

"aye baby, i ran you a bath and got all of your favorites" mecca informed making my eyes light up.

He took my hand and lead me into the bathroom.

The lights were off but the light from the candles set the mood. Candles and rose petals aligned the tub near the wall and rose petals were scattered inside of the tub of water.

 Candles and rose petals aligned the tub near the wall and rose petals were scattered inside of the tub of water

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"babe..you didn't have to" i gushed turning to him and pecking his lips.

"I know, but i wanted too. besides you've been stressing yourself out lately with the shop and kay's party..i wanted to do something special for my lady." Mecca wrapped his arms around me and kissed me lips than gripped a handful of my ass.

"Now, relax while I take care of the other things." Mecca spoke pulling away from our embrace.

I nodded, stripping out of my clothes and stepping into the bathtub. Mecca walked out but came back with a wine glass and a bottle of my Stella Rosa wine.

I watched as he poured it into the wine glass damn near to the top, "damn..are you trying to get me drunk?" I furrowed playfully.

Mecca held a straight face, "if i wanted to have sex I would've bent ya ass over that damn bed" he mumbled under his breath, but I heard him.

I giggled, "i was joking babe...relax, you can still slut me out later papa." I smirked biting my lip at the last statement and he looked me up and down smirking and rubbing his hands together.

"that can be arranged" he smiled kissing me one last time before walking out of the bathroom.

45 minutes later

After my relaxing bath, I rinsed my body off and laid in my bed naked and wrapped in my towel.

My phone rung, without looking at the screen i answered it. "this is laia, speak"


My heart stopped at the sound of his voice and the nickname. "kari?"

"yeah, it's me baby. I'm out mamas." I could hear Bakari smile on the other end of the phone.

We talked for a short while, he heard about kay's birthday next week and wanted to come. Of course, I invited him since he hasn't seen him in a quick minute. None of the girls haven't seen him in 3 years because he didn't want the girls and I to keep coming up to the jail to see him.

He told me that he got out three months ago, he wanted to get reacquainted with life outside of those 4 walls before seeing us. I fully understood where he was coming from and I was happy for him.

I told him that I had moved - which he had knew from mama Brenda and my granny. He asked his parole officer if he could take a road trip to see his daughters, something that he'd been planning for two years, his po said he could.

Him and Jr are driving down here to MIA. Mecca came into our bedroom, "who was on the phone?"

"umm...bakari..he wants to see the girls and spend time with them." I told him expecting a reaction.

"that's good, i hope it goes well..i know how the girls feel about Bakari." Mecca said.

"yeah, I'll talk to them about it when they get home."

three hours later | 4:55 pm

The girls have been home for an hour and we are sitting in the living room, "so i have something to tell you guys..."

"Are you and dad getting married?" kay's face lit up.

"No, but speaking of dad's...you guys father wants to see you, matter of fact he's coming to kay's birthday party." I said bluntly with a smile.

Isis and Nissa looked at me with straight emotionless faces while Kay looked extremely happy about the news, "after all these years...why now?" Isis questioned with attitude laced in her voice.

"because he wants to see his daughters, he hasn't seen y'all in almost 4 years." I spoke calmly.

"tuh, he made that decision the day we went to see him! Ma, he made us wait for FIVE FUCKING HOURS and told the guard that he didn't want visitors when we had been waiting." Nissa raised her voice, cursing.

"you can't make me see him" nissa rolled her eyes getting up from the couch and walking away.

"jenissa bryanna mitchell, get back here young lady!" I yelled with base in my voice making her stop in her tracks. she turned back around and came back into the living room. she sat back in her seat, huffing and puffing with her arms folded.

I took a deep breath before speaking, "i know he hasn't been there for you guys but he wants to try and repair the damage we caused. Bakari loves you with all of his heart and he'll do anything to protect you girls and I, that's what took him away from us." I sighed.

The girls looked at me with confused looks.

I haven't told the girls the full story about what happened I wanted to wait until they were old enough to know. I took another deep breath before telling them the full backstory of me and their father. Tears were shed and hugs were given out.

"h-how long has been out?" Isis asked through sniffles.

"three months. he's been staying at a halfway house back in Texas and his parole officer granted him permission to take the drive down here with uncle jr." I told them.

"mmm, well I can't make any promises, but I will try to be nice for kay, since it's her birthday." Isis shrugged.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it baby." I smiled hugging her.


"I'll try, but like Isis said i can't make any promises" she mumbled.

"thank you baby girl." I smiled hugging her as well.

"now y'all go get ready for dinner, it'll be ready in a few minutes" i told them & they nodded.

I hope everything goes well with everyone including mecca and bakari..they haven't met yet, but know of each other.

I took the meat out of the oven and called everyone for dinner. We ate silently than cleaned up.


thanks for 1.04k reads 🫶🏽

how do you think bk, the girls, and mecca will act at the party?

kay's birthday will be in the next chapter.

three more chapters til the finale

The sequel will take place after the finale,, the sequel will follow the girls through high school (jekalyn), college (jenissa) , and life after/career (jenesis).

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