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Slow but steady updates from me to you. I hope you read this book and your imaginations be as clear as daylight.

This book is pure fiction and I do not own any of the pictures used for the characters, all credits to their respective owners.

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About the book:

Different perspective on life, that's what they had. A little bit mentally deranged that's what they had in common. "Their self" that's what they always avoid talking about. But what happens when fate wants you to be with this person no matter how much you deny them-the feelings? How would you fall in love with the gorgeous quiet girl who looks at people a little too much, when your specs are girls who were confident in their sexy, their appeal to you was how they flawlessly control the room?

No one in the school is ready to watch Mayo fall helplessly in love with Victoria, a girl who tries to avoid attention, someone who tries not to think too much but still ends up doing it?

But-what if it wasn't Mayo that likes Victoria, what if it was the alter personality who first did?
Would The alter personality allow Mayo have her after he wooed her first?

Join me on this jolly ride to fantasy land!

And with that being said; can flip the pages!
Lots of love!

ORANGE LIFE. (Book 1.)Where stories live. Discover now