9. The first paper.

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Beauty sleep? More like recharging sleep.
I checked the time, my phone read 05:30am.
I had woken up very early, something that I stopped doing ever since Dotun died.

I got up to open my louvres, open my window and turn off the Ac. This was the best day to have an aesthetically relaxing morning. Those mornings that was filled with nature. I went to the kitchen, gathered the cake that My Aunty had baked last night for me, made pancakes and scrambled eggs, assembled garnished porks and slices of bread unto a plate then made a big cup of espressos and Oh la la! perfecto!

I sat down close to the window, and looked out. Perhaps one hour to myself and my thoughts won't hurt right? My eyes roamed while I stirred my tea, My eyes landed on the place where Tunde had packed his car, last night and where I had had my first kiss (with him) and I giggled silently.
Who could have thought that we would kiss at my doorstep and not at Royale palace ?
That place was fine as hell and better befitting for a first kiss than my doorstep.

I liked Tunde, he made me feel warm and fuzzy inside but I didn't understand why I had ran out on him or constantly zone out when I was with him. Was it normal? Should I feel like that with the boy that I really really liked? I dug into the eggs and the porks, my buds sang in delight to the delicious food.

Today was the dreaded test and I would be lying if I say I wasn't anxious. The truth was I was, I hadn't thought that I did later want to show Mr. young boy the tuff that I was made off. Or show Diamond class what kind of girl I was. I knew They all silently didn't approve of me and I didn't blame them, I didn't want to be the cynosure of all eyes, I wanted to be hidden, enclosed and have a good time in secondary school. After all I had Nonye and Chidera, none were popular and another was going to be a crowd. I looked into the looming dawn and sighed.

I picked up my phone and checked my texts, I had 3 unread messages and they were all from Tunde. Damn he had spilled his mind in all the three texts.

Tunnex👑: Victoria.
I really don't know what i did or said to hurt you but I'm sorry, I've. always tried to please you, I've wanted to be gentle even though I've never been gentle to anyone and I'm sorry if you think i forced myself on you by kissing you. I'm sorry that I let my animalistic side get the better of me, I promise never to do that anymore, please give this boy a chance.
Sent 11:34.

Tunnex👑: I think I'm in love with you but I want to give you all the time you will require to figure whatever is happening between us. Please give it a chance. Give us a chance. Please Victoria.

Tunnex👑: please let me take you on another date, allow me rewrite my wrongs, I promise I would become used to your zoning out. Will you write back when you get this?

That was the fifth time I was reading his texts and i didn't how to feel. Appreciation? Excitement? Relief? Exhilarated? He said he liked me? Not love me? Should I let this grow or not? Another date? To right his wrongs?
Is that even possible?

"Victoria...!" Aunty Yemi's voice resounded all over and I heard her knock on my door immediately. "Good morning Aunty." I greeted and walked briskly to the door to open the door for her. She sauntered in, those wrinkly smiles on her face. "Good morning beautiful child. Did you sleep well?" She asked me bring a tray of coffee in. "Yes Aunty. I already had breakfast ma'am." I informed her Standing figure. "I know, I just thought maybe you needed to drink something hot, I heard you have tests today." Aunty Yemi beamed and sat on my bed.

"Oh... we have Mathematics, biology and Civic today." I sighed and sat on the couch close to the window. "So what have I been missing Vicky?" Aunty yemi asked, her eyes watching me quietly.
"I went on a date yesterday Aunty." I began smiling recalling how the night had began, it was an awesome night really.
"Tell me all about it." She amusedly said, I smiled, she looked really excited to hear me recount it not like another does.
"He's so handsome Aunty." I giggled.
"Really?" She asked with glee, laughing slightly. "Yes Aunty..." I launched into last nights tale and she laughed at some places, I was good at excluding the kiss and the gifts part, perhaps somethings were better left unsaid.

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