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The five friends kept on shopping, Ginny tagging along, not that anyone minded, of course, she was good company. Finally, when everyone was finished, Ginny said her goodbyes to the small group and left to find her familiy, and Draco sighed. "I thought she would never leave us. I don't want to be seen by others with the likes of her." He said, mumbling. Lilith smacked his arm and scowled. "What if she gets in Slytherin, huh? Then what?" She scolded him. Draco just shrugged and started walking away. "Don't ignore me, Draco Malfoy!" Lilith said, walking after him, leaving the twins alone. Eden walked up to them and shook her head. "Are you sure they aren't brother and sister?" She said, smiling at the two's antics. "Positive." The twins said.

"Well then, let's go back home." Eden said, walking to the apparation point. The twins followed after her, and soon, the three of them were back at Riddle Manor. A House Elf popped into the entrance. "May Kreie takes you bags?" He asked. Eden set the bags down and unshrunk them, and Kreie popped away with them. "Race you to my room!" Harry said, and the two took off, making Eden chuckle. Over the summer, Harry had slowly learned to fall asleep by himself, which was a good thing. Another House Elf popped in, startling Eden. "Tea, Mistress?" She said. Eden smiled. "Yes, thank you." The Elf nodded and popped away, leaving Eden alone once again.

"That's not true! There is no good and evil, only power and those too weak to seek it!" Eden heard Archer say to Harry, who huffed in response. Eden poked her head into Harry's room and saw the two sibling on the floor, playing with their toys. Archer looked up, feeling Eden's magic. "Hi, mum!" She said, sitting up. "Where'd you learn that, wee one?" Eden asked. Archer held up a book. It was old and worn down. "What's that?" Eden asked, walking in. "It's an old book I found in the library. Nagini said it's written in Parceltounge by Slazar Slytherin." She said, handing her mother the book. Eden hummed, looking through the pages before giving it back to her daughter. "Okay. Have fun, I'm going to be in my study if you need me." Eden said, then left.

Harry turned to look at his sister. "Why did you lie? You and I both know it was written by dad. . ." He said, whispering. "Because, she doesn't need to know that we went through dad's office." Archer whispered back. "Besides, I've slowly been finishing it for him, see?" Archer flipped through the pages towards the end, the handwriting the same, but slightly different. "What's the book about anyways?" Harry asked, flipping the page. "The Dark Arts." Archer said, shrugging. Harry looked at her. "What? You think that I don't read? I've read almost all the books we have on that subject; twice!" She exclaimed. Archer got up and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" Harry asked, sitting down on his bed, Hydrath slithering up to him.

"To my private study, to finish this chapter." Archer said, then walked out. Before the door closed, Harry saw Nagini make her way after his sibling. Over the summer, the two snakes had gotten way bigger, and way longer. Hydrath curled around Harry's waist, comforting him. "Thanks, Hydrath." Harry said, and the snake nodded in response. Harry took out a book from under his pillow and sighed.

Modern Muggle Magic and What It Is
By: Ryan C.

Harry opened the book and flipped through the pages before laying down. On the other hand, Archer stormed through the doors of her private study, pissed beyond belief. 'What'sss wrong, Sssnakeling?' Nagini asked. Archer flopped down and took a deep breath. "A page from my book is missing! The page on Dementors and what they do!" Archer yelled, banging her hands on her desk. 'Who would do sssuch a thing?' Nagini said, making her way up the post she hand next to Archer's desk. "That's the thing! I don't know!" Archer said, laying her head on the table. Just then, an owl flew through the window and landed on Archer's desk in front of her head. 

Archer looked up slightly, narrowing her eyes. She took the letter from the owl, and it flew away. Archer grabbed a notebook at flipped through the pages before stopping, taking out her wand. She casted a spell and charm detecting spell and frowned. 'What is it?' Nagini asked. Archer grabbed another notebook and opened it, scanning a list written inside. "A compulse charm. . ." She said, casting another spell to get rid of the charm.

Dear Harry and Archer,
I am writing to you with some great news. You will be going to the Weasley's for the last few days of the summer, where you will then leave to Platform 9 3/4 on September 1st. I will send a old friend to pick you two up later on this evening. 

Albus Dumberdore

Archer growled under her breath. "Perfect! Just FUCKING PERFECT!" She yelled, tossing the paper into the fire. Eden and Harry walked into the study, drawn by the girl's suddon outburst of anger. "What is it, wee one?" Eden asked. "The crazy old fool Dumbledore is sending someone to fetch me and Harry and take us to the Weasley's for the last few days!" Archer yelled, making Harry flinch slightly. Her eyes were now snake-like slits and she was slowly growing fangs. Eden narrowed her eyes and growled. "That crazy old man!" She spat, then stormed out.

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