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"Kill her! Kill! Kill! Kill!" Archer heard over and over again. The voice was yelling at her. Though, Harry only heard it once. The three watched as Archer battled with something in her mind, her eyes seeming to flicker back and forth between normal and slit, and her canines were long, but not fangs. Then, everything stopped, Archer just standing there, panting. "Archer?" Lilith asked, standing up. Archer looked to her friend, who recoiled in shock. Archer's eyes were like she had heterochromia, one was an icy blue with a normal pupil, the other was shocking red with a slit.
"Archer. . . ?" Lilith asked again, snapping Archer back to normal, but her eyes stayed the same.

She looked at Lilith's face and her eyes widened. "Did. . . Did I do that. . . ?" She asked, backing up. "It's okay! I'm fine!" Lilith said, hurriedly. Then, Professor McGonagall burst into the room. "There you four are!" She said sternly. Harry, Draco, and Lilith looked down, embarrassed, but Archer just narrowed her eyes. "What's wrong." She demanded, shocking McGonagall. "Well, Mrs. Norris, and a student has been found, petrified." McGonagall stated. Archer just nodded, and the teacher walked off, wondering what was wrong with Archer.

"Okay, let me get this all straight," Lilith said as the four were walking down an empty hallway. "Archer, Harry, you heard someone say in parcletounge 'Kill her! Kill. Kill. Kill.' While Harry only heard it once, Archer, you heard it multiple times, McGonagall says that a cat and a student were petrified, and. . . Am I missing anything?" Lilith said, looking at everyone. "Sounds like a Basilisk." The four heard someone say. They turn around to see Hermione.
"I would say that's about right." Harry says, nodding. Archer ignored them in favor for following a trail of spiders to a window, then noticed the floor was wet. "Why is the floor wet?" She wondered out loud.
The other four looked at her, then the ground, and, indeed, the floor was wet. "Moaning Myrtle must have something to do with it." Lilith said, making the others look at her. "Who?" Draco asked. "Oh, just a ghost that haunts the second floor girls loo." Lilith replied, shrugging.

Then, something caught her eye. "Uh. . . Guys?" She asked, pointing to the wall. The others looked up just as the rest of the school walked toward them. "That's where Mrs. Norris was found. . ." Hermione whispered. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemy of the Heir, beware?" Someone said. Archer looked over and saw Ron at the front, looking at Hermione. "You'll be next, Mudblood." He said, smirking. Archer, moving extremely fast, pinned Ron against the wall. "Care to repeat, Weasel?" She asked, her voice dark and threatening. Ron just shook his head, and Archer dropped him down.
Ginny walked up and whispered to Archer. "Try sending an owl to someone that goes by The Marked. He'll know what this means." She said. Archer nodded slowly, then walked off. 

"Kill. Kill! KILL!" Archer heard the voice again, but shook it off. She walked into an empty room and sat down, taking out a pen and a piece of parchment, then began writing.

Dear The Marked,

I have been told that only you can make out the sence in this message:
'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemy of the Heir, beware.'
I do hope that you can help me figure this out.

Archer Riddle

As soon as Archer signed the letter, it disappeared. Shrugging, Archer left, and walked down to the room she and her friends stayed in.

A/N: LAST OC I SWEAR!!!! I wanted someone different than your normal story to figue out what Tom ment by. . . Whatever he wrote. Soooooooooooo =3= Yeah. Sorry for the short chapter. Anyways,
Happy Reading!! ^-^

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