Going to new york.

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" are you saying you lost the knife of the holy trinity? I cannot believe you Lucifer you're so careless, what if god finds out? He's a forgiving man, but this will definitely drive him insane, you know the power that weapon holds..if it's in the wrong hands—"

" not to worry cassiel, I will go down to earth and retrieve the knife, wherever it is, I'll get it..it couldn't have gone far." Lucifer said nonchalantly.

" so not only did you lose the knife of holy Trinity but you lost it at earth?! that's even worse if the knife gets into The hands of a human knows what could happen? It's dangerous, you'd better retrieve it before father finds out." Cassiel says In panic.

"Relax The worst that could happen is Everyone on earth is dead and there is no more earth and that would be perfect. bedsides who needs earth anyways I mean they could either live in hell or heaven which we know most of them aren't even getting into heaven anyways so it's kind of funny, we'll have new family." Lucifer said smiling.

" God no wonder you're the queen of hell,
That attitude is so ice  cold  whatever you better go to earth and retrieve the knife now." Lucifer's sister told her sighing.

" you know you worry too much you need to  chill as the humans say on earth, I find that word very impressive." Lucifer told her sister.

" Great now all you need is a heart to become even more human." Her sister laughed.

" all right whatever I'll go get the damn knife so you don't have to worry I'll be back in no time." Lucifer said teleporting to earth.

Lucifer used a special tracking device which could track down the knife of holy trinity. " it's in some place called New York? Apparently humans always say New York is the big Apple, the city that never dies in the night time..well looks like that's where I'm headed." Lucifer said teleporting to New York.


Lucifer arrived in new York around 8:00 pm, it was crowded with people all over Manhattan, which is where she landed, " wow it's really pretty down here maybe I should take a trip here..for awhile..since I'm here to find that knife." She said smiling happily.

"Ooh food!" Her eyes glowed red, as she absolutely was starving and in need of food, of course it wasn't regular food like the humans eat, she wanted the human itself.

"How could I order myself a human?" She asked herself giggling devilishly.

"Oh right? Easy."

Lucifer stared into one of the humans she preferred and hypnotized them. "You're coming with me, take me to your apartment." She told them.

They obeyed her command right away.

The night was filled with pleasure and good sex, of course Lucifer was the best at sex, she practically invented it.

After some fun, Lucifer decided she wasn't going to sleep, she made sure to erase the memories of the human she slept with, so that there wasn't any trace of her before she left, to go find the knife.

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