3 Years Later......

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A/N- I hope you guys remember this but just in case, I wrote my story in a world where COVID doesn't exist. And where Mens and Woman's Street debuted at the Olympics in 2016 and Men's and Woman's Park debuts in 2020. So Dakota medaled in the Women's Street in 2016. Cool? Cool

(3rd Person POV)

Three years after the battle in space, it was 2020. (in a world where COVID19 didn't exist) Making it Ryan, Spyder, Harris, Veracity and Dakotas senior year of high school. And the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics were just around the corner. With support of her now boyfriend of four years Ryan, and her friends and sister, Dakota had stayed true to her word and was going for gold this time around. This time in the new event, Women's Park. Four years ago she earned a bronze medal in Women's Street, this year, she shifted her focus to the new event.

Dakota graduated with the rest of her class in June, got accepted to multiple colleges and universities, narrowed down her options, then just a few weeks later she flew off to Tokyo with the rest of Team USA. Her sister flew there as well to watch her compete, while most of her friends back in Bay City, held a watch party at the Walkers house. Ryans parents, Grace and Davis, his biological parents Randall and Violet, Kendall's boyfriend, Lucas, whom she met when Dakota was a sophomore, his little brother Jackson and more of their family, and a bunch of other friends, also joined the party.

It was an expensive trip, but joining Dakota in Tokyo, was Ryan, Mark, Spyder, Harris, Veracity, and Kendall. 


(Ryans POV)

The five of us all sat in the stands at the Womens Park Final, the skaters hadn't entered the park yet, so the five of us just sat chatting, when my phone rang, with a FaceTime call from Dakota.

"Hey." I said answering the phone.

"Hi." She said propping her phone up on something and looked into a mirror.

"You ready?" I asked. She took a breath and nodded.

"I think so. At the same time I'm terrified." She answers, while I watched her clip a gold chain around her neck with a small rose charm on the bottom. My 18th birthday gift to her.

"What ever the results are, what ever the judges think, we're all proud of you." I said. "But I think I can safely say no one wants this more than you do."

"Got that right." She chuckled softly. "I have to go soon, they're going to want us all out on the park before the competition. Just wanted to call and talk to you for a second."

"Do you want to see everyone before you go?" I asked.

"Definitely." She nodded. 

"Okay one second."  I said standing up from my seat. "Hey guys, guess who." I held the phone up so she could see everybody and everyone could see her.

"Your all matching me!" She said happily while everyone waved and she showed the tank top version of the shirt that she was wearing.

"All right D, we'll let you go." I said.

"We love you!" Spyder screamed from the background.

"Love you guys to." She laughed. 

"I love you." I said just to her.

"Love you too." She smiled. "Bye."

(Dakotas POV)

Here's the other skaters that are in the finale

Here's the other skaters that are in the finale

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Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now