Ch 26 [The School's Secret's]

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[Art is not mine]

Makoto's P.O.V

It was the morning after myself, Sayaka, and Kyoko decided on a polygamous relationship and everyone was waiting for something to happen. Around seven in the morning we decided to explore the lower floor's of the school, it might've had something there and we were right. But first we had to get passed this door.

Makoto:"It's not budging. What do we do?"

Sakura:"Stand back. I got this."

Sakura punched the door right off it's hinges. I didn't really expect any less, but still, that's amazing.

Makoto:"Woah, thank's a bunch, Ogami-San."

Sakura:"Glad to help."

Makoto:"Hm, according to the map, there's an entire other building that was behind the school at one point

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Makoto:"Hm, according to the map, there's an entire other building that was behind the school at one point."

Yasuhiro:"Wouldn't we have seen it if it was there? Seem's kinda suspicious to me

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Yasuhiro:"Wouldn't we have seen it if it was there? Seem's kinda suspicious to me."

Byakuya:"Not right away,-

-For all we know it could be underground and can possibly be brought up by a lift

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-For all we know it could be underground and can possibly be brought up by a lift."

Makoto:"Hey, i hate to burst the bubble. But i don't think all of us could fit through, only a couple of us will be able to get through."

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