Ch 52 [A Prescription of Love]

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[Art is not mine]

Mikan's P.O.V

W-Well, this was going to happen sooner or later. I eventually did fall in love with, Makoto. I hadn't told him because i was scared that him, or one of the other's would yell at me or hit me. I'm always scared of being yelled at or getting hit by people, but maybe this time i'll actually have a stroke of good luck. I've been hated by almost everyone around, it was rare that anyone doesn't push me away but i'm hoping that, Makoto doesn't push me away.

Mikan:(Please don't be angry with me, i don't want to be yelled at.)

I went up to the roof and waited for him there, because he usually went up there for fresh air whenever he's stressed out or just feeling upset, so it would be likely he would be comming up here soon.

Mikan:"*Humming*.":(Okay, he should be comming up here soon. Just have to wait for him to show up.)

I sat up on the roof for about thirty minute's waiting for him, now i understand why he come's up here, it's peaceful and there's no one to nag you when you're finally calming down. After about forty-five minute's he actually showed up.

Makoto:"Oh, Tsumiki-San? I didn't know you'd be up here."

Mikan:"Oh, N-Naegi-Kun. I'm glad you showed up, i-i need to ask something important."

Makoto:"Okay, lay it on me. We're both here and there's no one here to interupt us."

Mikan:"Well, i wanted to ask you,-

-What do you think about me? D-Do you hate me?"

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-What do you think about me? D-Do you hate me?"

Makoto:"What!? No of course not, i don't hate you. How could i hate you? You saved my life, and gave me this new arm when i blew my arm off. I actually think you're cool."

Mikan:"*Excided Giggling*-

Mikan:"*Excided Giggling*-

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-Thank you, Naegi-Kun. That was very kind of you."

Makoto:"Well it's true, you've helpes to save a great number of lives durring this Apocalypse, in my opinion that's pretty cool."


-Thank you, Naegi-Kun

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-Thank you, Naegi-Kun. I'll make sure to keep saving live's through it all."

Syo:"Well well well, look's like Big Mak's gettin more girl's, damn you're quite a ladies man, and i can speak from experience of course."

Mikan:"Gyah! W-What are you doing here!?"

Syo:"Just here to fuck around, as always. So you've got the hot's for, Big Mak too, ey? I don't blame you."

Mikan:"Th-That's not why i wanted to talk to him, i swear!"

Syo:"That's not what you said earlier when i was stalkin' you."

Makoto:"Weren't you told to stop stalking people?"

Syo:"Yeah, but i'm not listening to that, it's to much fun especally when they see me and freak out."

Makoto:"*Sigh* Why did i even ask?"

Syo:"Yeah, why did you ask? Anyway, Nursey nurse! Tell him how ya feel 'bout him, or i could just tell him, your choice."

Mikan:"N-No, don't. I'll do it."

Syo:"Heh, work's everytime."

Mikan:"Okay, N-Naegi-Kun, y-you've showed me nothing b-but kindness a-and i guess that caused me to inevitablly fall in love with you, i-i didn't know how to t-tell you how i felt because i was n-nervous that you'd be angry at me and would start to h-hate me."

I felt him start to rub the top of my head, he was patting my head like i was a pet, but i'm not opposed to it, it feel's nice.

Makoto:"If you wanted to say something like that, you should've just said so, there's nothing that could ever possibly make me hate you."


I gave him a tight hug, but of course, Syo had to make some sort of dirty joke.

Syo:"Damn girl, at least wait until you two get into the room before you start up with doin' the deed. Not that i care, i swing both way's, just ask, Hina. She get's plenty of use out of-"

Makoto:"Please stop talking, Syo."

Syo:"Only slightly sorry about that. Anyway, i'm gonna go stalk some more people, i'll see ya later."

Syo ran off likely going to stalk someone like, Byakuya or even the kid's to scare them just because she's that kinda person. But at least, Makoto accepted my love. And that's all i needed.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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