chapter 3 organizing

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Asher point of view
‘’Why did you take me from Burr I was
just getting him on my finger.’’ Rey
laughed. ‘’Look we only have a limited
amount of time they only have a day
here and we need to show them what
we brought them here for.’’ I say in a
strike tone. Rey pouted dramatically
and crossed her arms. Usually I would
have laughed but with Washingtion in the room I fault more serous for some
reason. ‘’Okay so who takes who?’’
shelly asked looking at them. ‘’ooo ooo
can I have Burr and Hamilton oo and
Jefferson.’’ Rey says bouncing. ‘’OH MY
WAR.’’ I say with a laugh. ‘’oh yeah
they don’t like each other.’’ She say
with a pout. I roll my eyes. ‘’How about
we let them choice who they want to go
with.’’ Shelly says. ‘’good idea.’’ I say.
‘’ok how many of them are there?’’ I
asked. ‘’mm there’s Burr, Herc, Alex,
John, louis.’’ She stopped ‘’Washy, Laffy
and Jeffershit Eliza and ang.’’ I said. ‘’ok
so there’s 10 of them and three of us so
5 can go with Asher and 5 can go with me and Rey.’’ Shelly says. ‘’sounds good
to me.’’ Rey says. ‘’Great!’’ I say.
I turn around a look at all of them. ‘’Can
I have your attention.’’ I say quietly but
loud enough for them to hear me well
everyone but Jefferson and Burr who
were arguing about who was better
and who could get with Rey. God men I
GOD DAMN MINUTE!’’ I yell somehow
making Washingtion Hamilton Laf and
louis jump like 3 feet. I heard a small
laugh leave Hamilton. ‘’Excuse me?’’
Burr states. ‘’You know someone with a
big egg looking head your pretty deaf.’’ I snap. I saw Washington’s face go from
a straight face to a huge smile. “sir your
not going to let him talk to me like that
are you?’’ Burr says looking helpless.
Washingtion just smiles and nods. “with
all due respect sir but WHAT THE HELL!’’
Burr says flinging his arms like a
chicken. “Alright now that I got shit
head and chicken winged Burr to listen
I’m going to continue.” I say as
Hamilton burst out laughing it was a
nice sound knowing he was in pain.
Then everyone but Rey, Burr and
Jefferson starts laughing. “Why do you
feel you have any right to be rude to me
and Burr short stoke?” Jefferson snaps.
awwwww Jefferson its okay little baby
did I hurt your little feelings its okay you
can have a hug and some win will that
make the little baby okay?” I said trying
so hard not to laugh my ass off at his
face. “What the hell is your problem kid
I have done nothing to you.” He yells
scary me a bit. ’Don’t get you panties in
a bunch I’m just playing with you it’s
how I am so get us to it.’’ Jefferson just
glared at me with a expression of hate
and love? It was a very weird look.
‘’Anyway, ill stop being mean you guys
have a day with us and your going to
see how the world works now if your
wondering you are in the year 2036. We
brought you here to show you now a days.’’ I had to lie that way I didn’t
change the feature. ‘’So, 5 of you have
to come with me 5 of you go to Rey and
Sell. So, choice hurry you only have a
day with us if all goes well.’’ ‘’Well duhh
ill go with the pretty ladies” Burr and
Jefferson said wiggling their eyebrows.
Gross. ‘’Okay who else wants to go with
Rey and shelly’’ I say. ‘’We will god
forbid we need to save those girls from
those two’’ the sisters said with a laugh.
‘’okay one more.’’ I say. “ill go!” herc
boomed. “great so that leaves me with
louis Alex Laurens and Lafayette.’’
[sorry most likely spelled his name
wrong] purposely forgetting
Washington to see what he do. when I looked over I saw the saddest
look on Washington’s face. ‘’aww
Washington don’t worry I didn’t forget
my fav person.’’ I said with a smile cuz I
was blushing. He just smiled. ‘okay now
that that is solved Washington
Lafayette Alex and turtle lets go.’’ I say
giving Rey and Shell a look of good luck.

Lafayette’s point of view
The boy told us to follow so we did. I
took Alex’s arm and wrapped it around
my neck and helped him stand as much
as he could without hurting himself to
much. We walk as Alex limps and cries
in pain but after about a 7-minute walk we made it to this weird looking cub?
Square? Good god I couldn’t even
explain the shape. But it had wheels
and windows. “what the hell is that
thing?” I hear john say. “Well its
something called a car it does the same
thing a horse does it transports you to
places just in a way faster way.” The
small man said. I felt stupid not
knowing his name I should have and yet
I couldn’t remember it for the life of me.
“What’s this dude’s name again mon
ami?’’ I whispered to Alex hoping the
guy would not hear me ask that. But
like the man could read my mind he
answers, “Asher.’ I smile awkwardly.
We get in the what he called a car. It was pretty cramped and it was not easy
getting Alex in it at all but we
managed. Washingtion was up front
with Asher at the wheel looking thing.
Me Alex john and louis was cramped in
the back with john on louis lap and Alex
leaned against me.
It defiantly was bigger on the outside
then in the inside of the damn thing.
Asher put what looked to be keys and
put them in some kind of hole and
twisted it making the car make a loud
voom noise. Then we were off tress and
other car things going past us. I took a
good look around and the front had a
whole bunch of lights and nobs. “what are all of those lights and nobs for? “I
ask. “The lights your seeing is the time
and the other light is gas and honestly I
have no idea what the other things are
other than the button to unlock the
drunk that’s about all I know.” He said
shrugging. Well at that point I did not
feel safe knowing this man had no idea
what half the things in this thing did. I
look over to my right were Alex was and
saw the cute little thing was asleep.
Well I hoped he was. I look at John and
see him dozing off I tried to look at
Washingtion but couldn’t because he
was in front of me. We ride for like 20
minutes before I got impatient and
asked “Good lord how much longer?” in my defense I was starting to feel sick.
“10.’ That’s all he said. “10, 10 WHAT?”
I snap. I really needed to calm down but
I couldn’t help it was feeling to
cramped. I hear a laugh but no response
to my question.” QUEL!’’ I yell waking
Alex up. “Marquis son calm down he
means 10 minutes.’’ Washington says.
All I could say was ugh. “Laffy what’s
wrong?” Alex says still waking up.
“nothing mon ami I apologize for
waking you up.”
“Don’t lie to me Laffy your tense whats
wrong.” He asks looking annoyed. How
was I supposed to tell him? oh yeah
mon ami don’t mind me I just have to throw up. “Om I don’t feel well.” I say
while throwing up in my mouth. God I
needed out of this car thing or everyone
going to get thrown up on. “Well hold it
we are minutes away this thing is not
cheap you know.” Asher says with a
laugh. 5 minutes pass and we make it to
a small but pretty light wooden cabin
with a rose path going to the door. “no
wonder it took so long you live in the
middle of the woods.” Washingtion
giggled. Or at least I think it was a
giggle which I never heard come out of
him weird. We get out of the car Alex
crying in pain as me and john help him
out of the car. John takes Alex this time.
I walk behind the rest of the group.

looking around it was beautiful here.
When you got to the front door and
looked to your left you saw tress and so
many flowers same thing if look to the
right from what I saw from the side I
saw a small lake. He unlocks his door
and we walk in. I stand there in all
looking around. In front of me was a
sitting room with a larg light tan sofa
and to small sitting chairs that were to
the side of it. There also was a huge
concrete fireplace with a dark wooden
coffee table in the middle of the sofa
and fireplace. Beside the fire place was
to big wooden bookshelves. From the
door I walk to my right and walk
through the door as I walk through it I see a kitchen it was a pretty empty
kitchen just had white and black kitchen
counters and a island a stove I assumed
and some weird silver rectangle thing. I
go to the right of the island and get
back to the sitting area just to realize
that there was some weird looking
black cube thing just above the fire. I
look to the left and see what look to be
a bed room but I didn’t go in for
obvious. To the left of That room was a
office of some sort with a simple dark
wooden desk a chair a bookshelves
behind the desk. I see john put Alex on
the couch and join him and sat on the
most soft and wonderful sofa my little
French booty ever sat on. John joins and Asher points to the black cube calling it
a TV. Louis joins me and john on the
sofa and instantly getting comfy. Asher
picked a rectangle with buttons and
showed john how to us it. John presses
the button to turn whatever he was
turning on and boom the black
rectangle turns on a shot of light and
people on the screen all of are eyes glue
to the TV and we all sit there in all of how the hell this thing did that

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