chapter 5 learning

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Chapter 5 learning
Alex’s point of view
I wake up to feel arms tightly around
my waste crushing me closer to who
ever was cuddling me.

God I hope it was
not john if it was him I know damn well
my face would be hell of red from
blushing so hard. You would thank I
would be used to it sense we are best
friends right? Wrong he might be my
best friend but I had the hugest crush
on the man. Was it wrong hell yes not
only due to me having a wife but because It is wrong for man to like
anther man right?

Plus he does not like
me like that he only sees me as a friend
so it will never happen. How do I know
he only likes me as a friend well I just do

I hear a moan of tiredness only to
realize it was john who was cuddling
me. Fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck. God why
did he have to be cuddling me? Don’t
get hard don’t get hard and I’m hard. I
feel my breath hitch as I try to wiggle
out of his arms so he does not notice my
well you know. But all that happened
was a big jilt of pain go through my
hole body.

I stiffen not wanting to show
john I was in pain but I heard from him was a mumble. “Lexi stop moving I
want to cuddle.” He mumbled pulling
me closer. I felt my breath hitch again.
Damn leg I need to get out of this hold
before I blow up.
“john as much as I love your hugs and
cuddles I want to sit up I have been
laying down all night and I need to sit
up before I become the sofa.” I say in
one breath. “mmm baby just a bit
longer.” He wines. Lord help me say no
to this. {sorry had to do that} wait did
he just call me baby oh god its getting

I bit my cheek hoping Asher
might come out and be like “hey bitches
we learning something right now.”
Because you know that’s how he speaks. I guess its just I thing in this
time. But lord I hate it the grammar in
the sentences in this time good lord.
“fine a bit longer but don’t be surprised
if you feel a hard me its your felt.” I
mumble hoping he did not hear me. But
he laughed fuck he heard.

Johns point of view
I laughed at Lex’s comment but a part
of me wonder how did I do that I mean
hey I’m not mad at myself I just wish I
knew so I could make it worse if you
know what I mean. I kinda wanted to
feel you know his you get what im
trying to say. So I slowly move my
hands there acting as if I was asleep
and my hands were falling down. Not very smooth but he did not seem to
mind. I made it to his well you know
and blushed hard. He was not joking he
was very hard god what did I do to the
poor man. I feel him stiffen up but not
in a I’m uncomfortable way. It was in a
way I could not explain.

I did not move hoping he might think
I’m asleep god if this man was not my
best friend and I knew he wanted me I
would take him right now right here to
fix his little problem. Fuck it if man shall
not love anther man I’m going to
fucking love who I want and I know one
thing for damn sure I love this man to
death. “John, John are you asleep your
hand is uhm err on my… uhh dick.” He whispers. I stay silent making sure my
breathing was slow. “He’s asleep got
it.” I hear him mumble. I know I should
have moved my hands but I did not
want to at all. I wanted to feel every
part of that man and that’s what I was
going to do until he tells me he’s
warded out or grossed out by me
touching him like this.

“I’m in love with you Ham god I wish
you loved me back.” I whisper pretty
quiet praying he did not hear but shit he
did. God damn it john ruin your god
damn friendship why don’t you. Now
he’s going to push you off and hate you.
My thoughts were interrupted by what I
think was a happy Alex. “je suis amoureux de toi aussi Jackie.” He says
wiggling. God I made him grossed out
that’s what he said right god I’m such a
bad friend I feel tears go down my face
letting Alex go and ran to well wherever
my legs took me which was the kitchen.
I sat sinking into the counter and cried

The Frenches of fries point of view
I hear Alex speak French to john then
see John run off. But Alex said nothing
bad he actually said something great to
John so why did he run. Then I
membered he had no idea how to speak
French. So I ran to the kitchen where I
found john curled in a ball against the
counter. ‘’John you do realize mon ami that he said something you would have
been happy with.’’ I knew john had a
huge crush on Lex I mean who would
not I even had a crush on the man. But I
could never take that from john Alex
and him really liked each other and
what Alex said would probably make
them start dating. “what did he say?”
john sniffed. I giggled “something you
will love to hear him say not me.”
“Marquis de Lafayette answer my
question! What did he say? That he
hates me yeah something I want to
hear the love of my life say.” He
snapped. “non non mon ami you have it
all wrong he did not say anything like
that. He said…”

Asher’s point of view
I hear John snap at who I think was Laf.
Gees I leave them to sleep only to wake
up at 7:16am to hear john snapping at
Laf. I get up from my spot on
Washington which was very comfy so
whatever they were going on about
better be reasonable. I walk out the
door making sure not to wake
Washington to see Alex trying to stand.
Damn it Alex why could you not just not
get hurt so we could do the plans I had
but noooooooo Alex had to be hurt
which means I could not show them
thing I would jjust have to do it on my
phone I guess. Alex needed to heal and
as long as that man is with me he ant
doing anything until he is fully healed. Go to the front of Alex and try to tell
him to sit back down but being the
stubborn ass he is would not sit. So I
take his arm and wrap it around the
back of my neck leading him to the
kitchen where I saw a very sad John a
worried Laf and no food. Dang no food I
was kind of hoping for food.

“okay what the hell happened?” I ask
looking at John Laf and Alex. ‘’John said
he was in love with me well that’s what
I thought I heard so I told him in French
how I felt and I guess it made him upset
I knew I probably heard him wrong.” He
cried. “no you did not hear me wrong
you just said you hate me in French
probably.” John cried. “what god no  john I would never say that.” Alex said
putting his arm out for john to hug him
john did so and cried in his shoulder
saying how sorry he was.

don’t be sorry do you want to know
what I said?” Alex asks and john nods.
“I said I’m in love with you too Jackie.”
And john went from crying to having
the biggest smile on his face. “really?’’
“qui mon ami that what I was trying to
tell you.” Laf says. “I probably should
have listened to the French man.” John
laughs and we all start laughing. At
that point louis woke up very confused
then remembered why he was here.
“can you two just date already?” I hear
a very tired sounding Washington

behind us. “oh uhm good morning sir.”
Alex says standing straight. Pff goody
goody I sigh. He just glares at me. “well
that’s up to Lex if he wants to date?”
john asked looking at Alex. “I would
have to break up with Eliza but I would
love to John Laurens.” Alex smiles while
leaning more of his weight on me
causing me to stumble a bit but not to
much I was us to this I just was not
thinking he would do that.

how about we sit Alex and I teach you
guys some stuff about this time period. I
did have plans of walking around but I
change those since Alex is hurt and he’s
staying inside and resting.” I said
glaring at him.

Asher sits Alex down and sits next to
him. Washington sits beside Asher and
John on the other side of Alex. Laf and
louis beside john. Asher shows them
many things on that time period such
as, how a phone works, how ovens are
and different kitchen things work, the
different art stuff which John was pretty
happy to learn about and a whole
bunch of other things.

I'm working on chapter 6 now but have very bad writers block so it might take a while to come out

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