chapter 13 im a terrible man

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Washington’s point of view
God why would I think like that I mean this is my wife I married her for a reason. What was that reason? God I was a terrible man I couldn't even remember why I had married my own wife. Once again words I didn't want to come out came out. "I don't care. If I'm leaving you today that's fine but I want to kiss you before you never see me again." I said looking at every direction but him. He sighed. "What?" I asked. "I don't know how to kiss." And as if his cheeks couldn't get reder they did. "Oh." Was that came out. We sat there in a awkward silence for a few seconds.

Ashers point of view
He wanted me to kiss him and god I wanted to but I couldn’t do that to Martha yes I didn't know her yes she would never know but that doesn't make it right. I kept trying to tell myself this but clearly it didn't work because next thing I knew my lips touch his. I warned him I wasn't a good kisser so this was his fault. At least I think I was a bad one for me t didn't even feel like I was kissing back although I must have been because his kisses got more intense and more passionate. (Yall can imagine whatever you want I don't know how this works.)

Lafayette point of view
I woke up the next morning seeing Hamilton beside me holding my hand as tight as his hands could and looked infront of me to see Thomas in chair with his head against the wall. I speak "what happened why are you two just sitting here beside me I know I tried to kill myself but I'm fine so why you guys sitting here torturing yourselves." I said looking at Alex who looked like shit his face jad Staind blood on it his usual neat hair was all over the place. His poor hands looked as dry as a dessert. Alex lifted his head and planted a kiss on my forehead. "What was that about mon ami?" He just smiled and layed his head back down. "You look like absolute shit man." I said lifting hisnhead up with my finger. "Mmm." Was all that came out. Then next thing I knew I crawled on top of me and layed down on me and snuggled his face into the crease of my neck. He layed there for a minute. Before saying  "I want to get high. I miss it." I chuckled at that while feeling nervous of feeling his breath hit my neck. "THOMAS GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE WE LEAVEING WE GETTING STARBUCKS ONE LAST TIME BEFORE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE." Rey yelled. Thomas didn't move. Her friend busted into the door "Thomas get ya fat ass up." I laughed. He moved slowly but surely. He went out the door but before Rara left she squeaked "you two are sooooo freaking cuteee." I just smiled. "How's it going with being stuck with Aaron Burr sir and Jefferson." I said with a smug look. "I think Rey is falling in love with both of them its a bit disturbing but funny." She said. "Anything happen with you and Eliza you two seem to get along real well." I raised my eyebrows. Alex's head went up slightly looking at me with a look that said what the fuck. I smiled and je put his head back down. "Nothing going on between us. What why would you say that?" She said acting nervous. "So something is happening." I winked. She nodded and I just smiled they would be cute. They all left the room leaving me and Alex by ourselves until john comes in which would not surprise me. I look at Alex feeling so guilty I made him look like this I made him worry about me. "I'm sorry." I said. I felt him smile "fuck your sorry you have nothing to be sorry about I'm just glad your here." He said his breath hitting my neck making me get butterflys. "But I..." he cut me off. "Shh Shh. I don't care just shut up and let me lay on you." I smiled. I layed there for a good 15 minutes before drifting to sleep.

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