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MY FRIENDS AN I just finished filming for today. We were filming a new horror movie that would be called The Black Phone. We started filming a few months ago so we had a lot of time to get to know each other and grow closer. To be honest we've all become best friends during those months. But I'd say I'm probably closer to Mason than the others kids of the cast because I had more scenes to film with him.

We all had nothing to do and we all wanted to hang out so we decided why not going to the beach. It was kind of late, about 8:30 pm but I still went with my swim suit and my towel with a shirt and shorts on top. I arrived to the beach and joined my friends.

"Hey guys " They all looked at me with confused looks. "What are you doing in a shirt and shorts? It's freezing" Miguel asked me. I looked at everybody and they were all wearing hoodies and sweatpants.

"I mean we're at the beach so I though I'd go for a swim" I said confused. "Y/n, if you go swimming you'll get sick" Mason said. I smiled at him " Thank you for caring  Mason but I think I'll be fine. The water doesn't look too cold" "It might not look cold but it is. We just touched it before you arrived" Madeline said.

"I'll go in for like 5 minutes I'll be fine" everybody shrugged and looked at me taking of my shirt and shorts.

To be honest with you. The air was really cold but I didn't care. I went towards the water and as soon as my feet touched it I gasped. They were right. The water was actually really cold.

But I'm stubborn so I was going to go in it anyways.

I turned around to see everybody still staring at me "So is it cold?" Tristan asked with a smirk because he already knew the answer. 

I shook my head and sent them tumbs up while turning around and widening my eyes.

I was into the water from my feet to my shoulders. After two minutes I started shaking from the cold. Even my teeth were clapping together.

I guess Mason noticed because he immediately said "Come on y/n get out, your lips are purple and your shaking a lot " yup it was that cold. Mason held my towel and was waiting for me to come out of the freezing water.

As soon as I was in front of him he wrapped the dry towel around me and rubbed his hands up and down my arms to try to warm me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked me with a worried tone. I nodded. "I-Im good, Im just cold" still shaking. I'm pretty sure he was right and my lips were purple.

He chuckled slightly and shook his head smiling at me and he took of his hoodie handing it to me. "Put this on Y/n/n" I took it and I quickly put it on and looked at him "Won't you be cold thought?"

"I'll be fine. I'm not the one who went in the freezing water." he smiled. "Right..." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Mase" "No problem"

"Guys! Do you want to throw the ball with us or are you gonna flirting?" Jacob asked with the ball in his hand.

"We'll play with you and we were not flirting!"I told him.

We all just threw the ball at each other for the rest of the night.

And I got to keep Mason's hoodie.

𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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this first chapter??
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Have a good day or night.
I love you guys.

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