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Genre: fluff
Trigger warning: none
What: boyfriend
Where: The Black Phone premiere

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Today was 'The Black Phone' premiere which is a movie that we've been working on for very long and also waited a long time before it came out.

I was wearing a cute outfit. I was in the limo about to go out and as soon a I got out a bunch of paparazzis came to me.

'y/n how was filming the black phone?'

'how is your relationship with Mason Thames?'

'Do you have any projects after this movie?'

I ignored the questions smiled and waved and got into the building where the premiere was.

I entered and immediately saw my girls. Becca and Maddy. I ran and hugged them both. "You guys look so gorgeous!"

"You look gorgeous y/n/n" becca said "thank you" I smiled.

I turned around and saw Miguel. Miguel and I were really close he's like a brother to me and we have a kinda good relationship.

I went and hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. "You look stunning y/n/n. Mason is gonna loose his shit"

I laughed "Well, thank you, Mikey. You look handsome" "thanks"

Mason wasn't there yet so I greeted everyone with hugs and compliments. Honestly, they all looked amazing.

Jacob came to me and said "turn around y/n"

I turned around to see my beautiful boy. Mason was wearing a black outfit with two necklaces, rings on his fingers and his hair curled. His bright smile made him look even more handsome.

He looked at me with his mouth slightly opened. He walked up to me and hugged me. "Wow...sweets, you look so...beautiful"

I blushed at the nickname and pulled away from the hug but still held him. "Thank you Mase, you look even more beautiful than me" he smiled and put his forehead on mine.

"I don't think it's possible" he said as he put a strand of my hair behind my hear.

"Okay lovebirds, I think we should head to the read carpet it's starting soon" Tristan informed us.

We all headed to the red carpet. The order was Tristan, Spencer, Jacob, Brady, (the other boys),  Miguel, Mason, me, Maddy and becca.

We all started taking pictures.

'Y/n look to your left'
'Y/n look to your right please!'
'Y/n look here!'

I looked at every direction possible. Smiling and posing.

'Y/n, Mason! Can we get a photo of you two?'

Mason nodded at me waving at me to come beside him. I was wearing heals and my feet started to hurt and I tried not to fall as I made my way to Mason.

As soon as I was beside him he wrapped his arm around my waist and I put one arm on his back and the other on his chest for support.

"I swear I'll fall with those heals" I whispered at him. "I'll be there to catch you if you do besides you can get them off"

"Mase it's a red carpet I can't"

"You can"

"I won't"


'Guys please smile!'

Mason smiled and kissed my cheek which made me smile and blush. He chucked and kept smiling.

After a few minutes it was time for the interviews.

'Y/n come here!'

I went to the interviewer. She was a really pretty woman with a beautiful dress. "Hi" she said.

I smiled "hi! You look really gorgeous by the way!" "Thank you that's so sweet!" "You're welcome!"

"So how was filming with Ethan Hawks" she asked.

"It was amazing! He's such a good actor and he really helped me with my acting. He's also supper kind and fun to work with!"

"How is working with Mason?"

"It was amazing really. He's such a good young actor and he was really sweet to me when we first met. He's basically amazing at everything. I really don't have the words to describe how he is how how amazing it was to work with him"

The interviewer looked behind me and before I got to turn around I felt familiar arms place themselves around my waist and a head being put on my shoulder.

"Hi Mason" the interviewer said. "Hi!" He smiled.

"So how about you guys tell us a bit about your relationship?"

"Sure" Mason said. "So Mase and I started dating a year ago and it's actuality because of our friends. We were all hanging out with the black phone cast and they just brought it up and we denied but we thought about it and more the time went more it was coming true" I said.

"Mason what's do you love the most about y/n?"

"Everything. I don't don't  like anything about her she's just amazing, beautiful. She's so fun to hangout with she listen to people when they talk so her. She's good at giving advices and just a lot of other things. I really love her. I also love when Miguel is the third wheel it's s funny"

We laughed and answered more questions.



What do we think abt the third imagine???

Love you guys!

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