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Genre: none
Trigger warning: none
What?: boyfriend
Where?: arena

☁︎︎ ⤾·˚ ༘ :: ꒱

TODAY, I HAD a really important hockey game. My friends and my boyfriend were coming.

I was the only girl on the team and in the game too.

I would consider myself good at it and at skating.

We started the game and the other team had more goals than us. So I tried to do some put every single time I had the puck a guy from the other team would take it away from me.

But not without pushing me, bumping into me and making me fall which happened one time. No one seemed to notice he was doing that except me of course.

It was now the last game before the end. The guy that was on my ass all game was the one who had the puck so I quickly skated over him and bumped hard into him which made him hit the wall of the rink.

I now had the puck and rapidly went over the goal. I made it and everyone in the arena or practically everyone cheered.

I saw the black phone cast standing up cheering for me. There was about two minutes until the very end of the game.

Some from the other team was about to goal when I quickly stole the puck and passed it to someone else of my team.

I was following the boy who had it just to be sure he would goal when I saw the guy that's been on me since the start of the game skating rapidly towards me.

He bumped right into me. Really really hard. Everything went to fast yet it felt so slow. I hit the floor and felt a pain in my arm and head.

I don't remember anything. After that, everything went black.

                                  M A S O N

I watched y/n skate toward the goals when number twenty three, the guy who has been on my girls ass for all the game, skate right towards y/n.

Next thing, I knew y/n was on the floor and I and all of our friends were standing up along with the parents.

"Hey! He made her fall!" Miguel yelled clearly mad. "He can't do that!" Tristan continued.

"Guys she's not moving!" I heard Maddy yell. My heart dropped. The whole world slowed down. Everything was in slow motion.

Everyone's screaming was blurry. 
Y/n was on the floor. Not. Moving.

We all ran straight down the stairs to her coach. We couldn't get on the ice but we heard them say that she passed out and that they needed an ambulance.

                     C L I F F   H A N G E R

𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I wanted to try to do a sport one.
How do u feel abt this one?
Do y'all want pt2.
Or do you hate it?
I want y'all to know that I ain't no
hockey player so if it isn't accurate
it's normal 🥲
Anyways, I love y'all🫶🏻🫶🏻
My tt: kisses4mase
My insta: kisses4mase_

𝗟𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦   𝗠.𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗦 Where stories live. Discover now