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Genre: fluff
Trigger warning: none
What: best friends
Where: the street

☁︎︎ ·˚ ::

I WAS WALKING IN THE STREETS hanging out with Tristan, Brady, Maddy and Mason, my best friends.

We had conversation about how Mason doesnt like vanilla ice cream and I faking being mad.

" You really don't like vanilla ice
cream uh? " Mason looked at me with a fake disgusted face. "Fuck no."

" Im gonna beat you up. " I said playing. "YEAh come on try! " he singled me to come to him with his hands.

We got into fighting position and started fake fighting and screaming things.

" Get him Y/n! " Maddy yelled encouraging the fake fighting. " Mason definitely will win " Brady said joining Maddy.

We all heard police cars approaching but we didn't think anything of it but that was until the police came straight to us and got out of the car.

I looked at everybody with a furrowed my eyebrows with confused look, they looked as confused as me.

"What is going on here? " the officer said. "What do you mean officer?  " I asked.

"Miss I saw you and mister here" he points at Mason. " fighting so I had to stop it "  I widened my eyes.

" Sir umm, we weren't fighting we were just joking around. " Mason answered. I nodded " What he said officer"

He looked at Tristan, Maddy and Brady. "Is it true? " " Yes sir, they were just playing" Maddy answered.

"Alright, be careful kids, don't fake fight in streets."

"yEah! We definitely won't do that again! "

"Yeah we won't! "

"They won't do it again sir!"

As the officer drove away we looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

" I got so scared dude, I thought we were about to get arrested " I said.

" Yeah we saw the panicked look on your face " Tristan said laughing.

I looked at Mason "Lets not fake fight in public anymore " Mason put his arms around my shoulders and smiled
" Good idea "


Here's you guys's update!

I start school tomorrow so wish me luck 💀

It's hasn't started yet I already wanna die 👍🏻

I start in PE too so yeah.

Anyways I love yall 💕💕

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