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The house fell silent. The only noise in the area was the soft breeze in the wind, secluding the home. Tommy slowly creaked open his door, he wanted to see his parents, they were screaming; he knew it he heard them. The thought of it forced him to swing the door open, slamming it against the wall but he hadn't even heard it until he was almost halfway through the corridor. He ran forwards, step by step just slightly avoiding tripping on many edges of rugs and dodging cabinets on the way. Finally, after what seemed like running forever he reached his parents room. He hesitated before he pushed the door open.

Everything went black.
His eyes blurred with tears as he stared at the horrible sight.
His eyes shut as he stared at his parents dead bodies.
He fell as he screamed but was cut short by himself hitting something hard at the back of his head.
The last thing he heard until the darkness took over were the simple sirens of police cars outside his door.


Tommy woke up, gasping for air once he noticed his surroundings. He lay in a white bed  in a room with pale blue wallpaper. He recognised tubes attached to him showing some kind of heartbeat on a monitor. Suddenly, a nurse entered the room, she seemed surprised he was awake.

"Oh your already awake." She paused to open the door and shout for a doctor. She then looked at him again with a kind smile almost covering up her worried look. "We weren't expecting you to wake up for another week."

Another week? Does she mean he'd been asleep for more than a week now?

"How long have I been asleep?" Tommy didn't expect his voice to sound so raw.

"Umm about two weeks now." That's when Tommy remembered what happened. A tear fell down his cheeks and many more filled his eyes.

"W-what -hic- happened to my parents.. Are they okay!?" Tommy cried out the same question he already knew the answer to. All he wanted to do right now was curl up into a ball and cry. He just wanted all this to be a bad dream.

A darkness fell over the nurses face. "I'm so sorry, whoever did that terrible crime to them was so horrible." Tommy shut his eyes as hard as he could and hid under the covers of the hospital bed. It was warm, too warm but Tommy didn't care.

Tommy heard a door open in the distance.

"Poor kid." He heard another man say, he had a deep voice which almost made him sound harsh. "Natasha, come let's give him some time and then we can tell him the news." Once Tommy heard the door shut he threw his blanket off and lay on his back; staring at the tiled ceiling.

News? What news? What more could possibly been happening, wasn't this enough? The air suddenly felt tight as he recognised the heat. Tommy tried to swallow down a lump in his throat but his body just responded with sweat and shortness of breath. Eventually it came to the point where he couldn't take it anymore and just ripped the tube off of his arm. He jumped off the bed and swung the door open. It almost seemed too familiar. Tears in his eyes, he stormed down the hospital, ignoring concerned looks from fellow patients. Before he could make it to the door a hand secured around his arm. He tried to yank it off, but it stayed like it wasn't affected by him. The arm, softly turned Tommy around to face a man in a doctors cloak staring at Tommy worriedly. The man loosened his grip a bit but still secured his hand on Tommy, connoting him not to leave.

"Tommy, you can't just leave like that, you don't have anywhere to go." The man's voice matched the one he heard in his room who said something about news. "Lucky for you, a family by the name Watson has offered to adopt you instead of sending you to an orphanage. It's your choice, but I would suggest avoiding an orphanage at all costs."

That's the thing, Tommy didn't want to go to an orphanage or be adopted; he wanted his parents back. His eyes were hoarse and dim, but the man didn't even flinch; he just secured a warm, comforting smile on his face.  Tommy knew he didn't have a choice, he knew his parents were gone forever, but he still wanted them. He missed their smiles, their warm hugs and their comforting words. He missed when his mother would sing to him and when his father would read him to sleep. It all felt like it was so long ago. Maybe it was, maybe time moves faster emotionally, maybe it's time he moves on — if he ever could that is.

"The Watson family, may I meet them?"

The doctor smiled and pointed at a family sat in the waiting room, chatting to each other with warm smiles that seemed far too much like his parents ones. There was a man, he had blonde hair and looked like he was somewhat in his 30's. He wore a green and white hat which seemed to fit his brand perfectly. On his right sat a tall teenager with brown hair and he wore a baggy yellow jumper with jeans. To the left of the man sat another teenager, he had long pink hair and reddish eyes. They looked somewhat nice.

The doctor waved them over and led Tommy and the family over to a room set with a bunch of chairs and a table. The doctor sat at the head of the table with Tommy on his right and the family did the same with Techno on the right and Wilbur on the left.  Tommy sat nervously, bouncing his leg up and down, too quietly for anyone to notice.

The doctor set out some paper in front of him and took a glance at each member of the family whilst checking something off on the paper.

"May I introduce myself?" The man at the other head of the table asked, and in response was returned with a kind, trusting nod from the doctor. The doctor trusted them, that was another green flag for Tommy to trust them too. "Well my name is Philza — or Phil for short — and I'm 39, I'm sorry but my wife died a few years back, but we can still have fun with just us four right?"

The man's voice was kind and soft, with a shine secured into his eyes. Tommy couldn't help but give a comforting smile. "No that's fine." Phil smiled happily in response.

Once it was clear Phil had finished talking, the teenager with pink hair opened his mouth to start talking before he was interrupted by the boy with brown hair. "Yeah, yeah his names TechnoBlade or Techno for short whatever don't care." He continued after he shot a mocking smile at the enraging Techno. "My name is Wilbur and I'm 17, I can play the guitar." Tommy couldn't help but chuckle a little. He was starting to like this family.

"As I was saying before my little twin brother Wilbur interrupted," Tommy could tell Wilbur hated being called that by his deathly facial expression. "My names Techno and I am 17, I like reading." Techno's voice was low, it sounded monotone even, but that didn't cover the kindness in his voice.  Everybody in this family was just so kind.

The family waited for Tommy to talk, until he finally did.

"Umm my names uh Tommy and I'm 13. I like to um play outside?" Tommy muttered just loud enough for them to hear.

"Well Tommy, what's your decision then? Don't worry, remember it's your choice and we don't mind as long as it's what you want." Phil smiled with his eyes closed, Tommy almost felt like they were his family.

A stress sweat fell down Tommy's forehead. This decision would likely change his life forever like his parents death already did. Thus, he remembered the doctors words.

"It's your choice, but I would suggest avoiding an orphanage at all costs." He'd already understood how bad being in an orphanage could be. All the screaming children, the bullies, the mean employees, the cold food and the shared rooms all drifted Tommy away from them. Now he was being given a chance of a lifetime any orphan would give up everything for, and he's hesitating!?

Tommy took a quick breath and smiled. "Umm I want to go with them, doctor.. uh" Tommy looked at the doctor, waiting for a name.

"Doctor Charles, and of course you may go with them," The doctor smiled. "Mr Watson, may you please fill in these forms?"

The man smiled and reached for a pen which he used to scribble some numbers and signatures onto the paper. 

Wilbur turned his head towards Tommy, his eyes were brown and showed only kindness and adoration in them.

Tommy was sure this was the right family for him.

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