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It wasn't until midday when Wilbur came stumbling into Tommy's room. His hair a rats nest swaying on top of his brunette head. It was clear from the black circles under his eyes that he'd not gotten to sleep that night, he was clearly busy with something.

"What do you want?" Tommy's voice was hoarse as he glared into Wilbur's blank eyes.

Wilbur walked closer towards him and elevated an arm out, Tommy ignored it and helped himself up, the crutch tucked under his armpit, aiding him with standing despite not having one of his legs.

"What do you want?" He repeated, glaring at Wilbur, not daring to look another way.

The brunette took a moment before he spoke.

"It's about your friends." He eyed Tommy's expression as it turned from annoyance to curiosity. "They tried to come in here to kill you."

Tommy took a step back, refusing to believe any words that Wilbur had said. Then again, he'd never seen his family use a gun before and that gunshot...

"N-no, they would never! You just lie, all you do is lie, lie, lie. None of this is true you manipulative fuck." Tommy snapped, a single tear betraying him and falling down his cheek. Wilbur seemed untouched by his outbreak and just sighed.

"Oh but it is true, we were able to protect you, Toms, but one of them got away alive... that Tubbo guy." Wilbur facepalmed, avoiding eye contact with Tommy.

"I don't care what they tried to do, they are my friends and I care about them." He paused, trying to remember what Wilbur had just said. That's when it hit him.

Tommy froze in realisation, his throat went dry, he couldn't even move if he'd wanted to.

"W-wait... what did you mean by only Tubbo got out alive..?"

"Well, we had to protect you somehow, Ranboo came in with a gun and tried to kill us to find you and kill you, so we wrestled the gun out of his grip and shot him, only to protect you Tommy, of course." Wilbur explained, fighting a grim smirk.

Silence followed, at least to any viewers. Inside Tommy's head was a war, a war of emotions, a war or trust, a war of who should die and who should live. Was Wilbur telling the truth and Ranboo did have to die, or was he lying again like he always does.

"No..." Was all Tommy could say as he slid down the wall, clutching his legs towards his chest. The sound of his crutch falling to the floor, a bigger noise than it should've been.

He didn't want to think, he didn't want to talk, he didn't want to move, yet still, he wanted to leave. He was really, really desperate to escape this place and run off to his friends. He wanted his freedom back.

Wilbur grimaced at his lack of response but just shrugged. After a moment or two, he reached down and grabbed Tommys arm, yanking him upwards towards his level. Tommy yelped in response, that's when Wilbur saw his tear drenched face. He didn't want to admit it, but he sort of liked how Tommy was in pain,

He grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room, causing Tommy to hop down with his crutch being of no use with Wilbur's speed, forcing them down the stairs until they trudged up to the living room, stopping in front of one of the grand windows.

When Tommy refused to speak, Wilbur took it on himself.

"Ranboo's  'disappearance' is public now, the police will start to question those around here about it, that includes us, Tommy." He paused, thinking back how to phrase his next sentence. "You're not to tell them anything, you hear that?"

Tommy nodded quickly, scared of what would happen if he'd declined.

"Good." Wilbur continued. "Now, not only that, there is something else. You know what you have to do right?" Wilbur paused but proceeded on with his speech when Tommy furrowed an eyebrow in confusion. "The police are starting to question your disappearance, Tommy, you have to tell them that you are alright. If you ask for help, you can say goodbye to that Tubbo guy."

At that moment, Tommy knew that if he were to disobey, Tubbo would be the family's next target.

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