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A knock sounded in Tubbo's ears, Ranboo, it must've been Ranboo. He strolled over to the door, his knuckles pressed into the fingers of his other hand, this was when he'd know if his best friend was alive, or if he was dead.

He hesitated before he pulled the door open, slowly examining the person before him. That wasn't Ranboo, it was a man, blonde haired with blue eyes, It was Phil. He seemed to hide his grimace carefully, but Tubbo still saw a flicker of hatred cross his face.

"Oh, Phil, Umm do we have to leave now?" Tubbo croaked, he really wasn't expecting Phil to be here — I mean who interrupts their sons best friend 'mourning'?

"Where's Ranboo huh?" Phil glared at him. "Oh wait, I caught him sneaking around my house without my permission. That's not very nice is it?" 

Tubbo's heart dropped. Of course he'd been found, of course... "Oh! Uh, he said he was just going to the bathroom, I'm sure it was nothing-,"

"And eavesdropping? He went to the bathroom just to stop and eavesdrop?" Phil interrupted. "I think not. Look, if you want the truth, I'll give it, but you will have to loose something first."

A pause, silence followed before Tubbo spoke again. "Loose what?"

Phil smiled and he didn't stop.


"No, please, I'll give you money, we will never speak to the police about this, just please don't do this!" A fat glob of tears rushed down Tubbo's cheek as he stared into the eyes of Ranboo. He couldn't loose him, not yet anyway. They still hadn't done everything they needed to do. They hadn't bought a house together, they hadn't left the country hand in hand — they hadn't finished their lives together, they were supposed to be best friends...

Ranboo knew it was over when the barrel of the gun pressed harder onto his temple, his body shaking nervously. Tears streamed down his cheek, burning into his skin like it was on fire. Ranboo was scared, Ranboo was going to die.

"We don't want money and do you really think we'll believe that you won't go to the police?" Phil's voice echoed in Ranboo's ear like a siren, only this siren was not meant to help. This siren was meant to kill. The siren was evil and Ranboo was dead.

Tubbo tugged angrily at Technos hands, trying to release himself from his grip. He yanked from his stiff, rock fingers, trying the hardest he could to have even a small slip. He had to get to Ranboo, he had to. To his demise, he didn't even budge. "Even if you kill him, how do you know I won't just go to the police? They'll arrest you instantly!"  Tubbo tried to threaten them, but they were a lost cause and Ranboo was dead.

Someone else's voice sounded this time. "That would work if we didn't have Tommy. And if you dare to ever mouth a word about this to anyone, you can say goodbye to your Tommy!" Wilbur chuckled behind Phil, his grin widening with every word. Ranboo was disgusted that he could be smiling right now, they were all sick maniacs and Ranboo was dead.

Tubbo fell limp in Techno's grip. Ranboo knew he had to do something, he couldn't let all their work go to waste. He was scared of death, he really didn't want to die, but he also didn't want Tommy to either, so his last words would be one's to count. Tubbo cried silently and through his tears he was lost and Ranboo was dead.

"Tubbo," his eyes shifted towards the fireplace, hoping Tubbo would think to look there; sometime. Tubbo furrowed his eyebrow in confusion, mouthing the word 'what?' through tears. Ranboo tilted his head towards the fireplace, looking back and forth from it to Tubbo's eyes. Making a pointing motion with his fingers. But it was then too late, he hoped Tubbo had understood. "I love you." They were evil. And Ranboo was dead.

A gunshot filled the atmosphere. The bullet was silenced by the impact it had on Ranboo's temple. Ranboo dropped straight to the ground and everything fell black. He heard the muffled sound of Tubbo screaming his name, but that too was overtaken by a ringing sound that longed in his ears endlessly. The agony of pain hit him first, the feeling of stabbing through his brain seared through him and all he could think about was Tubbo; and Tommy. If he was going to die, he wasn't going to die in vain. Ranboo silently begged Tubbo to understand where Tommy was as his breath left his lungs, as his heartbeat sagged until it drained into nothing. The last thing he felt was Tubbo's warm arms wrapping around his limp body. Tubbo was sad and Ranboo was dead.

And that was it, Ranboo had missed out on what his life could've been with his friends. He wanted to become a streamer with them, being famous didn't sound so bad. He wanted to travel the world, see each of the different countries and oceans, his toes touching the salt water, the coolness of it shivering into his feet, his hands shaking in the winter cold of the mountains, snow covering his legs. He hadn't done everything he wanted to do, and now he would never be able to do it, never be able to feel complete.

Ranboo was dead.

A scream erupted from Tubbo's throat, piercing through the ears of bystanders. But still, those bystanders didn't even flinch, their grimace printed permanently on their faces. Techno released Tubbo's hand and he flew at Ranboo, hugging him tightly, tears falling off his cheek onto Ranboo's hair like a waterfall. It was over, Ranboo was over. He couldn't believe this was happening, he couldn't believe Ranboo was dead, he just couldn't. It was all a dream, it must've, it felt like a messed up haze anyways, there was no way it was real.

Tubbo almost believed it wasn't real until he felt the coolness of technos hand wrap around his arm, yanking him upwards from the elbow. Tubbo clenched his teeth in pain as Techno through him towards the door. He stumbled but landed on his feet and turned to look at them, his sorrow replaced with exasperation, he was angry now, really really angry.

"You sick bastards." He screamed at them, the air gushing out of his lungs. "How could you kill him?"

Phil raised the gun towards him, clicking off the safety lock. "Get out and never say a word about this to anyone or you will never see Tommy again."

Tubbo whimpered but mustered up the energy to run out the house, slamming the door behind him. He sprinted into some bushes where nobody could see him and broke down. The warm summer air glinted off of his tears whilst he cried, whilst he let it all out.


Tubbo had told the police that he'd gone home with his father and left Ranboo to wait for his. That was the last time he saw him. He really wanted to rat out the Watsons, see their faces when they realised they were guilty of murder. But he couldn't do that, he couldn't loose Tommy too, he had to find him first and then he could avenge Ranboo.

He flipped onto his bed, his eyes darting around his ceiling, trying to think back a solution to get Tommy back so he'd finally get his revenge. All he could think of though was Ranboo, his face occasionally frolicking it's way into his mind, and when he saw it, he burst out into tears. He decided to try and do something to clear his head — like taking a walk. He jumped off his bead, sliding his shoes on and making a dart for the door. He couldn't stay inside too much longer or he felt he might suffocate.

The breeze hit him almost instantly when he went outside and he felt clean for the first time since the incident. Tubbo strolled through the town park trying to think back a solution; anything. That's when it hit him. It wasn't a solution in parts with an escape plan or something, just a simple thought, a simple lead to help him get Tommy back before he lost both of his best friends.

Something to do with the fireplace — he vaguely remembered Ranboo signalling. But why would the fireplace have to do with Tommy? It was just a fireplace.

His thoughts were cut short by a knock on his bedroom door. He grumbled and covered his face that was fresh with tears.

"Come in," he croaked while rubbing his eyes to remove the tears using his sleeve.

His eyes widened on who was standing at his room door: Wilbur.

"How did you get into my house?" What do you want?" Tubbo jumped up and sat as far away from him as possible.

Wilbur started speaking, glaring into Tubbo's eyes frantically. "If you come anywhere near Tommy, it's over.

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