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The elegant tunes flowed easily through the attendees ears, people flocked around, dancing to the songs which they had remembered so vividly.

Tommy's mother was dancing with his father. Their steps were perfect as they copied each others moves swiftly.

Tommy watched from the background as they leaned into each other, a true love story 'til death did them part.

He glanced around at the other couples, their faces were erased from memory by now, all they were were nonchalant silhouettes. Tommy paid no attention to this however.

But when he looked back at his parents, chaos pursued.

Blood baths ornamented the golden ballroom, bodies hunched up together in horror. He blinked and his mother was in front of him, a hatchet dent engraved in her forehead.

"Wake up, Tommy." She yelled. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"


Tommy's eyes snapped open in horror. He was slouched against the crippling wallpaper inside the room of terror. He rubbed his eyes to see four figures standing in the room with him. One looked scared whilst the others looked vitally manic.

He soon came to realise whom the figures belonged to.

His family, standing straight and looking down on the smaller figure — Tubbo.

Tommy almost gasped but caught himself before it was too late. He figured it would be a more intelligent idea to listen in on their conversing.

"Well," Phil spoke in Tubbo's immediate direction, his voice shrill and condescending. "We started off by murdering his parents. It was a fairly simple task, just had to break in and murder them with a hatchet." The family broke into a fit of manic laughter.

Tommy couldn't believe it. His eyes widened in shock. He couldn't say that he felt betrayed as he'd already felt that a while ago — when they cut of his leg. But he didn't exactly expect this. The family had seemed so nice when he first met them — what had this become?

Tubbo turned to look at him, Tommy shut his eyes instinctively. He was grateful to see that Tubbo had come to rescue him, yet he was not glad. Tubbo could easily die today and it would be all Tommy's fault, he came to save him.

Tubbo turned back to look at the sickening family. "What the-," He stuttered at a loss of words. "You are all monsters, you know? Monsters!" Tubbo yelled at them.

The family's manic expressions faltered into one of pure rage. Tommy winced. It was the same expression he had seen on Phil and Wilbur's face when he had attempted his escapes.

Techno reached into his pocket and pulled out a manually sharpened silver blade. Its handle was engraved with an intricate mural of flowers and vines.

He took a step forward towards Tubbo and placed the blade at his neck. Tommy shivered and longed to yell at Tubbo to run, to leave him behind.

"What did you say?" Techno breathed and pressed the blade harder at Tubbo's neck. Tubbo, however, did not falter. He stood straight and secured his ground, not allowing the family to get the upper hand.

"I said what I said, and I do not take it back." Tubbo yelled at him, his foot sliding backwards at the strength in Techno's clutch.


Techno lunged forwards, blade in the air.

Tubbo tumbled to the floor with a crash, but it was not due to the blade; Tommy grabbed Techno's forearm and stood, limped, in between the two.

Out of shock, Techno stumbled back and crashed into Wilbur and Phil, sending them all crashing to the ground. Tommy stumbled but was caught by Tubbo who through Tommy's arm over his shoulder, forcing them to limp towards the exit at a slow but steady pace.

They slid down the pathway and out of the fireplace, making their way towards the front door in hopes of an effective escape. There was no time for greetings or anything of the sort.

Wilbur was running after them but they were out of the door by this point, stumbling effectively out of the gate and onto the public road.

Wilbur emerged through the gate and grabbed Tommy by the shoulder, causing Tommy to scream for help. Bystanders were shocked and surprised, but called out to a nearby police car for help.

The police man, his name being labelled as Manifold. Jack — or Jack Manifold — reached into his blue, leather pocket and pulled out a black glock. He aimed it in the direction at Wilbur. "Put your hands behind your head, you are under arrest." He yelled and Wilbur pursued.

The rest of the family — including Wilbur of course — we're thrown into the small police car, yelling profanities profusely, saying things along the lines of, "Tommy, tell them this is a misunderstanding, we're your family!" But Tommy didn't, he was not under their control anymore.

He was free.

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