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Tommy woke up, startled by a slow knock on his door. He shook his head furiously, attempting to avoid a headache of which wouldn't leave. "Who is it?" He asks, a hint of drowsiness to his voice.

In response, a man answers him. "It's Phil, just here to tell you lunch is ready, you haven't left your room yet." Phil, it was just Phil.

"Oh it's already lunch?" Tommy was never one to sleep in so late. He tried to figure out why he slept so late, but he couldn't remember. He remembered waking up and getting a glass of water, but that's as far as his mind went.

"Yeah, you slept in quite late." Phil answered before he set off to the kitchen, leaving Tommy alone to get ready.

He sprung off his bed, falling onto his two very own feet before he lazily stumbled towards the wardrobe. He swung the door open, uncovering hanging clothes from multiple hangers. He grabbed out a red and white top along with some Jean shorts and quickly got dressed in anticipation for lunch.


Tommy stared into Wilbur's brown eyes. The dinning table only split them apart partly, he could still notice a shift in his expression. Yesterday his face was filled with kindness, caution and concern, today it was filled with competition, wanting and possession. He shook it off for the rest of lunch, but it still stuck with him. What changed?

It wasn't long before he was sighing and then feeling sick before throwing away the last of his lunch. Tommy glanced at Phil's unchanging expression, it was focused on Wilbur's, seemingly accusing him of something. Techno tapped on Phil's shoulder and muttered something incoherent which led to Phil's expression change back to normal and smile in Tommy's direction.

"Hey Tommy, what do you want to do today?" Phil grinned widely but still a hint of a tense aura swayed around the house.

"Umm well," Tommy planted his chin on his hand, "I want to know when school starts."

Wilbur closed his eyes and poked annoyingly at his temples.

Phil frowned so slightly Tommy couldn't quite believe it was there.

"Tomorrow, actually." Phil masked his uneasy expression. "You'll be going to the same school as Wilbur and Techno, but you have to promise me something."

"Uh yeah sure, what is it?"

"Stick by your brothers will you? It's a new school and there are a lot of complaints of mean kids around there. " Tommy nodded slowly, it wasn't weird for a parent to be worried about him getting bullied, but he really just met Phil. Nonetheless, he just met Wilbur and Techno -- how could he trust them to protect him over stupid bullies?

Tommy lifted his patterned plate off of the antique table. He walked towards the counter and subsequently placed the plate beside the sink. He sill felt drowsy from waking up so late -- if that even is why -- and desperately wanted to just lie in his room all day.

"Hey Tommy," A familiar monotone voice echoed in his ear. "Why don't I bring you to the park today? You know, to get your mind off of things." Tommy turned around swiftly to face TechnoBlade.

Tommy hadn't been to a park for a while now, maybe this could be a nice opportunity to get to know the place around where he lived.

"Sure, ill go put my shoes on" Tommy grinned widely in anticipation.

Techno secured his hand in Tommy's, confidently leading him down busy and not so busy streets. At some point in the walk, Tommy tripped in a crowded gathering, disconnecting his hand from Techno's. In a matter of time, Techno's soft, pink hair disappeared from Tommy's sight. He hugged his legs in the crowd, trying to dodge and avoid being kicked and stumbled over. Tommy spotted a clear path out of the crowd and prepared to run through it before he was lifted in the air and rushed out of the hell crowd. He clutched tightly at the familiar sight of pink hair before he heard Techno almost incoherently wince in pain which he reacted by embarrassingly releasing his hands.

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