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Ranboo had tried to be patient for Tubbo, but he couldn't help wandering towards his computer, his mouse hovering impatiently on the security cameras app. Tommy had been by his side for so long, was he finally going to repay that? Were they really gonna save Tommy? Well, there is a chance Tommy could've actually been kidnapped, but it just didn't add up in his head.

Anyhow, whatever is behind the simple click of a computer mouse could potentially save Tommy's life; or ruin Ranboo's self esteem. But seriously, what if he were to be wrong, what if Tommy was in trouble and they were heading in the wrong direction? Time was running out and Ranboo knew that more than anything, but if they didn't check the Watsons house... that theory would never leave Ranboo's head.

The hesitant ring of his doorbell is what snapped him back to reality. He was going to check the house no matter what, if Tubbo were to be with him or not, this was the only existing option in Ranboo's head. Another ring of the doorbell later and Ranboo hovered his twitching hand over the door handle before he pressed it down to reveal an expected Tubbo.

"Hey Tubs," Ranboo half smiled but quickly released the grin when Tubbo hurried past him, stopping before the staircase.

"C'mon Ran, we have to hurry, who knows how much time we could've wasted by now."

Without any second thought, the duo pressed down on the mouse; forcing themselves into the security cameras app. Ranboo jotted down the password, his fingers typing impatiently on the keyboard as Tubbo stared at the wall in front of them -- thinking.

"Shit." Ranboo muttered under his breath, Tubbo snapped his head back at the screen. "What time did Techno leave? Umm it was just before I called you..."

"Check the phone history?' Tubbo said, trying to be as patient as he could despite his fingers tapping irritably on the desk.

"Right, I'll be right back."

Tubbo nodded at him, clearly connoting him to just go already.

Ranboo practically jumped down the staircase, running towards his phone. He grabbed it off the table, unlocked and scrolled over to yesterdays calls. He located the one with Tubbo.


Right, right, 10:54, so about 10:45 when Techno left. He ran up the stairs once again, but this time with his hone clutched in his hand so hard he could feel the buttons piercing into his skin.

"Found it," Ranboo started when he came into sight with Tubbo. "1054, but likely 10:45 when he left."

"Okay," Tubbo nodded, scrolling till they reached the time.

They stared expectedly at the screen, memorising the car parked outside; TechnoBlade's car. It was a small, white Land Rover. Ranboo memorised the car whilst Tubbo memorised the number plate. The dark, night sky ad made it harder for them to pick out the details, but thank god for Ranboo's porch light. About three minutes later, a pink man strutted down the path towards the car. Ranboo clicked pause. He was wearing a baggy, long sleeved, white top with dark grey trousers. His hair raided effortlessly into a braid. He looked exactly how Ranboo had remembered him that day.

"That's him." Tubbo nodded at Ranboo to play the video. Tubbo could easily get impatient at times, but this really worried him; time wise.

TechnoBlade entered the car once he'd unlocked it and sat in the drivers seat. He'd sat there for a few seconds or so before he drove carefully out onto the road and turned left.

"Okay, left." Ranboo said to himself, not really at Tubbo. Ranboo let out a heap of breaths and looked straight at Tubbo, he looked back at him.

Tubbo half grinned, his mouth twitching at the edges. "Well what are we waiting for? Come on."

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