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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Olivia had got the dress that Rebekah pressured her to get but she still felt awful.

When her phone rang that night she was reluctant to pick it up knowing that she's going homecoming with someone else that's not him. But she knew she would regret not answering if she let it go to voicemail

"Hey klaus" Olivia said once she pressed the phone to her ear

"You finally picked up the phone then" she inaudibly winced on her side on the line

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I was just thinking- I zoned out i guess" she didn't know whether she wanted to tell Klaus or not but she wouldn't enjoy her time if Klaus was always in the back of her mind. But klaus knew something was wrong anyways just by the tone of her voice

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"The homecoming dance is in a few days. 4 days to be exact and i would've asked you but I knew you wasn't in town, because you know you left and all.. but Rebekah didn't want to go on her own and I said I couldn't go because I didn't want to be alone either so she got some random guy to go with me. Is that okay?" Nothing was said down the line before she heard Klaus' laugh, she was thankful he wasn't mad at her

"That's what you was worried about? If I'd be okay with you going?"

"Don't laugh, but Yeah- I mean I didn't want to be rude or anything"

"It's totally fine. We haven't actually had a chance to go on a date yet do your still a free woman"

"Don't say it like that. I'm not going to get with him, like on an intimate level. We'll just be going as friends"

"Not an intimate level huh? You saving that for me love?" Olivia's eyes widened as she caught on to what she said. How can she be so stupid?
"well either way. There's no competition" she was thankful for Klaus to ignore her last comment knowing she wouldn't have had nothing to answer to that

"I was just checking. I just wanted to make sure your okay with it" she got into the bed and under the covers keeping her head on the pillows
"What are you doing?" She questioned

"Just checked into my hotel, a bit too little for the price but whatever"

"I doubt you paid for it with your own money anyways"

"That isn't the point" Olivia laughed before she was cut off by her own yawn


"You tired?"

"M mhm" she agreed tiredly. She wanted to stay up to speak to Klaus but his voice was soothing in a way that she could also fall asleep to it

Olivia didn't notice, but her ears blocked out all other noises as she fell asleep

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