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Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

OLIVIA LOOKED DOWN the stairs as klaus threw in Finn into the house as he walked inside with Rebekah beside him

They needed him for his blood so they could unlink all of them which Finn obviously didn't want to do willingly

He moved back away from them

"Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it"

"You can't force me to help you" Finn said to them as he looked up from the floor

"I most likely could... but why force when I could persuade" klaus raised his hand up and sage defended down the stairs. Finn turned around, the woman coming into his view

"Hello Finn" she smiled

"Sage" her steps down the stairs sped up and he got up, both moving into each others arms. Olivia walked down the stairs and smiled as she met with klaus, Rebekah heading out out the house again

"You weren't here when I woke up" she stared to him, wrapping her arms around his waist

"I did try to wake you up love, but you wouldn't" she hummed in reply knowing it's something she would do

"Well I got some homework to do, so I'll probably be doing that all day" he nodded in reply and she stood on her tip toes to kiss him before going back up


Olivia hadn't really stopped studying since she left klaus earlier on that morning yet klaus had been in and out of the room many times since then. She didn't notice before since she was busy but now she did realise. So she got up off bed and went downstairs, she opened the door where she heard some voices and her eyes widened seeing Damon chained up and Stefan there

Klaus walked over to Damon and compelled him

They hadn't realised she was in the room

"Minus the stake that's in my brother. How many more stakes are out there that can kill me?"


"Eleven! Really, so not 8 then. You really shouldn't have lied"

Stefan: "I'll get you the other three"

"Yeah, that would be nice. or since you lied maybe I'll just compare your brother to chew of his own tongue"

"What is wrong with you?" Stefan whispered

"What is wrong with you?! do you have no appreciation for me. I have given you someone to hate. to loath. A target of all your anger so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life purpose as your friend. I mean I really think you should be thanking me"

"enough!" Stefan pulled a steak out of his pocket and slammed klaus against the wall but klaus grabbed his arm that was holding it

"Step down or you both die." He moved the dagger and klaus took it
"There. Now you only have to give me the other two" he went to hurt Stefan

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