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Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Both the girls were ecstatic

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Both the girls were ecstatic. Neither of them have ever really had anyone to go dress shopping with so it was new to the both of them

They walked up to the first store and Rebekah pulled the girls arm inside excitedly

Rebekah was immediately on the tactic of grabbing anything but Olivia was just only picking up what she liked and not everything she set her eyes on

"Let's try them on" Rebekah called.

Rebekah found something she liked in this store but Olivia didn't so they went to the next one. And the next

They were now in the fourth store and she still couldn't find anything she liked

"Oh my gosh!" Rebekah squealed. Olivia looked over to her to see Rebekah looking up at something
"Get me that!" Rebekah said to the worker at the store. She walked over to where Rebekah was pointing and took a dress of the rack
"Try it on" Olivia could already see the dress was amazing just looking at it so she dreaded putting it on and making it seem ugly on her

She took the dress out of Rebekah's hands and went and got changed

Once she was done she got the worker to zip it up

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. You look amazing"

"You think I should get it?"

"Yes! This is the one! Klaus will love it" Olivia rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless

"Let's just go back yeah?"



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A beautiful mess - klaus mikaelson [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now