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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Olivia dropped her paintbrush into the paint tin and lifted it up back onto the canvas carrying on painting the picture

It was mostly terrible. Olivia was not a painter. She drew yes. But she drew with pencils. Not paintbrushes, that was Klaus' thing

"Ahem" she looked up to klaus to see some of the blue paint on his cheek

Olivia giggled putting her hand over her mouth to hide them but Klaus heard them very clearly

Klaus smirked before reaching and put his own paintbrush in the paint bucket before flicking it over Olivia

She gasped as the paint made contact with her face so she picked up a whole handful of the blue substance before smearing it over him

The place turned into a mess. There was paint flying everywhere. Luckily they were covered otherwise Olivia would've had a rough time getting paint out of her hair

There was only a bit of paint left and with klaus looking the other way Olivia quickly picked up the bucket and allowed it to drop on his head

Klaus turned to her, mouth agape as the paint dropped down his face

Olivia giggled watching the scene unfold in front of her and got her hands and rubbed it all over his face

"You know what?" Klaus said as Olivia started backing away. She turned to run in the other direction but klaus quickly grabbed her by the waist

They both dropped to the floor on impact and Olivia let out a small squeal as he turned her around and rubbed all the paint onto her

"No! Klaus!" She looked up at him before they both broke out into laughs once they realised how stupid they look

Once they had calmed down it was then they both realised how close they were he was directly above her and to a point where she could feel his breaths on her face

Klaus' hands moved up to her face where he then planted his lips onto hers. His lips felt soft against her own and Olivia excepted the feeling of how they both moulded together. It was like they were made for each other



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A beautiful mess - klaus mikaelson [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now