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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Is Matt not here?" Olivia asked as she looked around

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"Is Matt not here?" Olivia asked as she looked around. She starting picking up all the rubbish and put it in the bins

"He got called into work the last minute. Caroline and Tyler also bailed so it's just us" Rebekah sighed
"How am I one of the only ones that come but I didn't even attend the dance?"

"You're a good person" Rebekah chuckled under her breath

"You're probably the only person in the world that think that"

"Well then I'm the only right one" this time Rebekah let out an actual laugh

"You're a good person. And in love with my brother" Olivia's eyes widened and she shook her head

"I-I'm not in love"

"You are. And he is too. It's so obvious"

"We've only known each other 2 months. We're not in love"

"Yeah but that doesn't matter if your his so-" Rebekah cut herself off and the other girl just stared at her confused

"His what?"

"Nothing" Rebekah mumbled with a smile
"I'm going to go start in the gym" Olivia nodded and Rebekah walked out of the room

Olivia walked around taking some ornaments down

"I am" she heard a male voice followed by a thud. Olivia stopped what she was doing and rushed outside to where she saw Alaric holding Rebekah against the wall

She ran over and placed her hand on Alaric's arm which then sent his body on fire. He winced patting it out and whilst he did both Rebekah and Olivia ran

They had gotten to Rebekah's car when Alaric was behind her, his skin burning from the sun. He picked Olivia up making sure her hands didn't touch him and Rebekah rushed over to help but Olivia stopped her

"Don't. Dont. He'll kill you. Get klaus" she halted and frowned listening


"Who else would it be?" Alaric said on the phone to Elena. Olivia was tied up to a chair, a cloth around her mouth that when she breathed in felt like razor blades

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