The eggs are scattered about
and the children have raced off to hunt.Red, blue, yellow, purple, green,
so many different colors to find!
In the bushes and tall grass, behind the boulders and trees,
so many different spots to explore!But I wonder about these few kids who choose to stick behind.
They sit there, waiting for what's left of their adventurous peers,
fearful of the ascertained candies that wait inside.Is it sour? Is it sweet? Is to eat it not okay?
They fear what their reckless peers might have to say.
But while both groups of kids gather every egg in sight,
these few left behind are too ashamed to take flight.They won't get to enjoy
the excitement of discovery or
the sensation of that new candy.
They are instead relegated to the world of comfort,
a world advertised to them by their reckless and adventurous peers,
peers who shamed them for wanting in on their groups.Oh?
One of them dashes off,
scavenging for whatever eggs are left insight.
The kids laugh at him, but he remains steadfast.
Red blue, yellow, purple, green,
in the bushes and tall grass, behind the boulders and trees,
his eggs are beautifully unique,
but his inspirational conquest
is still widely berated
by his shameful peers.The peers are now struggling.
Red, blue, from the bushes they knew,
the eggs they had in hand were surprisingly bland,
less exciting than what I perceived.
They sat around, exhausted,
having collected all eggs within their ignorant radius.Yet that boy, steadfast as ever,
continued to discover eggs shamelessly,
checking every unique spot and
checking every egg type.
His basket of knowledge grew with
every egg he found and
every egg he missed.He chose to learn the depths of this egg hunt,
and for that he was rewarded.
May the citizens of comfort
learn from his story.