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I glanced down at the missing poster for Bruce Yamada, sighing. "Hasn't he been missing for months?" I asked.

"I guess his parents aren't giving up on him anytime soon," Finney muttered.

"He's probably dead in a lake or something."

"Oh, c'mon, Y/N! He's probably fine.." he paused. "You think they'll find him?" It was quiet.

"Probably on how Y/N described him," Gwen responded. The two started walking off and I stared at the poster a bit longer before following along. Closer to the school, we saw kids running and we ran after them, hearing the chants getting closer.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

I shoved past the crowd, making my way to the front to see Moose and Robin. "This should be good," I muttered.

"You think you're so tough, huh?" Moose remarked, Robin seeming unamused.

"Let's find out," he replied.

"I will pound you like a nail," he threatened.

"Then do it." There's no way Moose is gonna win. "Unless you're scared." The whole crowd exclaimed, muttering things to each other. That was Moose's final straw as he swung at Robin which was apparently as hard as he could. Luckily, Robin managed to duck quick enough to dodge the punch and stood up quickly before punching Moose right in the stomach. I heard the excited cheers and exclaims from behind as Robin swung his leg,
knocking Moose into the pole. I turned to Finney and Gwen, one seeming excited and enjoying this and the other clearly wanting to leave. I looked back at the fight where Robin had an advantage on Moose and I could hear Gwen go, "Get him, Robin!" as Moose tried to punch him, despite not being able to tell where he was. Robin twisted his arm, holding it above his head before throwing him to the ground. He stood above Moose and grabbed the collar of his shirt before punching him. Robin kept going until there was a shitton of blood visible and someone grabbed my arm and dragged me off. I turned to see Gwen, who was following Finney. I shook my arm free and followed the two.

"Oh, c'mon, you're not gonna tell me he didn't deserve it!" I exclaimed.

"Last year, he made your nose bleed!-"

"Both of you, please," he interrupted and Gwen and I exchanged glances.

"He had it coming," she muttered.

"No one had that coming."

"Moose did," I implied. "he beat the absolute shit out of you, me and Gwen both saw-"

"I get it, ok, I don't wanna remember it," he sighed, walking a bit faster.

"Ok, but Moose picking a fight with Robin?" I questioned. "That was a dumb decision."

"Especially since Robin's been the strongest since the Grabber got Pinball Vance."

"Don't call him that," Finney muttered.

"Did Pinball Vance get you or something and now his name is a curse?" I asked.

"No, I mean-"

"We both know what you meant, jerkface," Gwen interrupted. "You know, everybody calls him that. Papers, too."

"I just wish you'd both stop saying it."

"Do you seriously believe the Grabber's gonna snatch you if you say his name?" I asked.


"He can't hear you, he doesn't take kids that say it," Gwen added.

"I know."


"I said I know!"

"Then say it!"

"No!" I looked around, seeing a van drive around the corner and I kept walking, not making eye contact with the driver.

"Are you chicken?"


I glanced over at Finney, who had his eyes on Donna. I threw a ball of paper at him and he jumped slightly, looking over at me. I made a kissy face at him and he rolled his eyes as the bell rang. I followed Finney out who's pace began to quicken as he ran out the door and into the bathroom. I began to follow him in before three other guys shoved me out of the way. I realized what was happening and nodded, standing by the bathroom door. I saw Robin walking towards the bathroom and his knuckles blood-stained.

"Hey, you good!" I asked and he looked at me.

"I'm alright, I just need to wash this off," he replied and I nodded.

"Finney needs a hero in there so you better hurry up." He walked into the bathroom as I waited outside, waiting for one or the other to come out. Instead, the three guys who shoved past me originally exit the bathroom and glares at me as they walked past. I shrugged it off as I head to my next class, not wanting to bother the two boys and their conversation.


"It's Friday so I'm heading to Susie's," Gwen told Finney.

"I'll watch dad."

"Don't eat all the ice cream!" she said before running off.

"You're gonna eat the ice cream, aren't you?" I asked. "Save some, she's got more brains then you."

"You wish," he laughed. "Robin needs help with math again."

"Is he too busy being a hero he doesn't have time for math?" I joked.

"It's Mr. Johnson, apparently he doesn't explain it right and I do."

"Oh, completely understandable, I hate Mr. Johnson!"

"He isn't that hard to understand!"

"Yes, he is, Finney! I don't understand how you get him!"

"Because he explains stuff well?"

"Whatever you say," I chuckled. "This is my street, see you on Monday, Blake."


"Yeah, Blake, you know how some people refer to each other."

"Please don't."

"Alright, fine then, bye, Finney!" I started walking in the direction of my house as a black van pulled up, the words Abracadabra on the side. A man stepped out and opened the door, all his groceries falling out and he just laughed about it.

"I am just so clumsy!" he exclaimed, laughing.

"You know, you're gonna go broke if you keep doing that," I sighed. "Good idea or whatever works for you but you're wasting eggs."

"Is the act good though?"

"You tell me, dad, you got four people and nobody knows it's you so, you're fine, no need for my reassurance," I replied, stepping into the car.

fight or flight (a finney x reader)Where stories live. Discover now