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I watched as Finney finally packed the phone with dirt and hung it up. I sat down on the mattress and he collapsed next to me, letting out a heavy sigh. "You ready to take him on?" I asked. He didn't answer other then a nod. I lay down next to him and I looked at the cracked ceiling. "God, how'd he even get you?"

"Hit me with his van and threatened me before knocking me out then I woke up to you holding my hand."

"As if you didn't hold mine on the call with Robin," I muttered and he sat up.

"I did not!" he swore. I sat up to meet his eye level.

"You were holding onto my hand as if I was gonna float away when you let go," I told him.

"It was only to drag you around."

"Where were you gonna drag me around while on a call?" He didn't answer the question but went on about something else.

"Do you know why I like Donna?"

"I don't know, because she's Donna? Why are you asking me this?"

"I only liked her to try and get over you," he said.

"Do you like her for more then that?"

"I dunno, looks and personality, too."

"What did you like about me though?" He looked me in the eye as I waited for his response.

"Everything. I liked everything about you." Before I had the chance to answer, we heard the lock click and we got up quickly. I grabbed the phone and handed it to Finney, who stayed close to me. The door opened slowly, creaking loudly before we saw a head poke out.

"No fucking way.." he said.

"Max?!" I shouted and he looked at the two of us.

"Your dad said you were staying at a friend's! I didn't know he did all this.."

"Please help.." Finney said and Max looked at him. "Call- Call my dad! Or my sister!"

"No, don't worry, he's not here!"

"And we won't know when he gets back, get some help, Max!" I yelled.

"No, he's at work! Just stay calm!" he stammered. "No wonder he was freaking out this morning." He looked back up at us. "Hey, you guys wanna know the story about how I found you two?"

"God, Max!"

"Hey, don't worry! We can talk about this-" An axe went into his head and we screamed as I dragged Finney back. Max walked a few steps before collapsing. The Grabber looked up at us.

"Look what you made me do," he muttered. "you made me kill my brother."

"No, that's not what happened!" I said. Finney looked at me, panicking.

"He was an idiot," he growled, looking at the body, then back at us. "but he was my idiot." He sighed. "Sorry, Max. I'll have to put you with the others. Looks like you'll find those naughty boys once and for all." He ripped the axe out of Max's head and I winced. "What's up with the phone? I told you it doesn't work!" he snapped, his breathing heavy.

"Y/N, I don't know if I can do this," Finney whispered.

"Hey, is Robin gonna die for nothing or what?" He shook his head to my question. "Then you can do this."

"You know, I would use a knife as usual," The Grabber started. "But you two are special. I'm gonna take my time, and I want this to really hurt!" Finney grabbed my hand at that remark as The Grabber called down Samson. He chained the dog to the pole before swinging the axe at us. I shoved Finney out of the way, his hand falling out of mine. I turned around to the Grabber swinging the axe again, striking my shoulder. I yelled in pain as I stepped back, tripping over the mattress. The blood soaked into the mattress as he bent down. "I'll save you for later," he growled as he got back up. I saw Finney watching in horror.

"Get the fuck out, Finney!" I shouted, my voice strained. I watched as he ran and the Grabber followed after. I tried to sit up before I just fell back down on the mattress, groaning. I heard the two screaming in the other room and then I heard the phone ring. Before long, I heard a snap and Finney ran to my side, looking at the wound.

"C'mon, we have to get out together!" he said and I nodded as he lifted me up. I winced as Finney grabbed a piece of meat for Samson and we made it up the stairs. I leaned against him as he put in the combo for the lock and he helped me outside. I saw the police cars ahead and sighed out of relief. I let go of Finney and
collapsed on the grass in front of me, groaning.

"Hey, Finney, I don't think I'm gonna make it," I said, laughing a bit. Gwen ran over and hugged Finney then looked down at me.

"Holy shit, Y/N! You need help!" They crouched down next to me as more people surrounded me. My vision became blurry as I tried to say something. I felt myself being lifted up before I passed out.

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