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I picked up the phone upstairs, asking if I knew a Finney Blake. "Yes, why?" I asked.

"Well, we've been informed he hasn't been seen since school and we were wondering if you had anything to know about it." I looked back at my dad and shook my head.

"No, nothing about him," I answered. "Please find him soon though." I hung up the phone and looked over.

"Does he know who you are yet?"

"He's known me for a while."

"You know what I mean." The Grabber had a stern look on his face.

"No, because you know he'll hate me, right?"

"He can't hate you if he's dead."

"He didn't do anything stupid like the other kids!" I looked over at the door. "You know, you can't keep convincing yourself that stupid phone doesn't ring."

"Because it doesn't. It never has."

"You need to face that that stupid phone could be helping him!"

"It can't because it doesn't work!" He shouted, standing up. He towered over me as I started to walk away. "Come back over here for me." I glared over at him and walked cautiously over, still angry. "You're coming down there with me."

"I'm not coming-"

"I'll kill him if you don't." I looked him in the eye before walking towards the basement. I opened the door slowly and I saw Finney with the phone. He looked over at me and his eyes widened. "The phone doesn't work," the Grabber said. "Not since I was a kid, so put it down." I walked into the basement and saw him looking worried.

"Y/N, you said that.." His worry and concern slowly turned into anger. "You lied to me?" I let out a heavy exhale.

"Finney, listen-"

"Listen?! You work with the Grabber!" he snapped.


"No! You let every kid die and I'm next! You're just gonna watch me die!" he shouted at me.

"You think I have a choice?!"

"I thought it was a choice based on previous kidnappings." I looked back at him.

"Y/N, what does he mean by that?" I didn't answer. "Y/N!"

"You hide so many secrets from your so-called friend," he chuckled. "You weren't this concerned about the previous kids."

"Please, be quiet."

"You didn't beg me not to kill them or interfere, you just watched."

"No, I didn't."

"Don't deny it because your friend is watching. You know it's true. You visited all of then but never had the same look as you do now." I turned around and swung at him. He stepped back and glared at me. "And you never fought back," he growled. He started walking towards the door and I ran after him. He shoved me back before slamming the door and my eyes widened. My own father just left me here. I looked at Finney, who glared at me.


"You didn't even try to save anybody," he muttered. "why am I different?!"

"Finney, please, I wanted to-"

"You wanted to but you didn't! You didn't even try! Did you just watch as Robin died?" he yelled. Finney wasn't an intimidating person but it was a rare occasion to see him this mad.

"Well, you can't fucking do much!" I shouted back at him. "If you were me, it'd be kinda hard to stab your own father!"

"..your father?" I didn't mention this. "I'm sorry, say that again?"

"You can't fucking do much?"

"After that."

"If you were me, it'd be kinda hard to stab your own father?"

"That. He's your father."

"..Yeah, I guess."

"God, this is insane," he sighed. "what's next, some other famous serial killer is your mom?"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself," I mumbled, sitting against the wall. "Never met my mom, gone as soon as I was born." I yawned, mumbling something under my breath before I fell asleep not soon after.


I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing and Finney looked right at me. "You.. you hear it?" I asked, mumbling a bit. He grabbed the phone and glared at me.

"Hello?" he said. He was silent. "Is somebody there? I need help." I'm not sure what happened but he slammed the phone down immediately.

"You dumbass!" I shouted.

"Oh, at least I'm not working with the bad guy!" I groaned at his remark and walked over to the phone, waiting for it to ring.

"Look what we have to do now, we have to sit here and wait because you thought it was a good idea to hang up."

"It was some weird voice."

"You still hung up." I looked at the door. "Has he come in at all?"

"Once when we were asleep, I woke up in time to see him though." I nodded as the phone rang. I pushed Finney a bit to the side as I picked up the phone and he was clearly upset. He got close to the phone so we could both hear. I kept occasionally glancing at the door, biting my lip.

"Nobody's talking."

"They probably hate you."

"I'm about to smack you with this stupid phone and hope it gives you some permanent brain damage," I muttered.

"So you're just like him?"

"God, can you not compare me to my father please?" I asked.

"You watched kids die," he grumbled.

"And I wish I did something, I really did." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Now I have to be stuck here with you."

"Are you joking? I literally told you the phone works-"

"Hello?" We both froze as we looked at the phone.

"Hello," Finney replied.

"Both of you, don't hang up," he said, the voice sounding familiar.

"We won't," I promised, Finney glaring at me. "Who is this exactly?"

"I.. I don't know, it's the first thing you lose."

"First thing you lose when?" he asked.

"You know when."

"Wait, do you even know us?" I asked.

"I know both of you, I met Finney once before."


"Your arm is mint. You almost had me."

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