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I hear the van pull back up and my head shoots up, running back to the basement. He was gonna murder me if he found out I helped Finney. I nearly tripped going down the stairs as I just laid on the cold concrete, biting my lip. I heard something or someone fall next to me on the mattress and I held my breath.

"Hey, what was all that noise?!" Max called from upstairs.

"Samson was barking at something, go back to bed!" my dad shouted and I felt him grab my shirt and pull me up. "I know damn well you're not sleeping, you help him pull that shit ever again, he's dead."

"Are you too afraid to kill me? How special am I to you?" I whispered angrily.

"Very." He started to walk away from me.

"What happened to mom?" He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face me.

"It's not important. She's well and alive if that's what you wanna know."

"Where is she though if you know that?"

"I don't watch your mother's every move," he growled, and I just stared.

"You know, am I even yours?" I asked. "Because it's honestly never been like it. From childhood to now."

"Why wouldn't you be mine?"

"Do we really share similarities? Do I look like mom?"

"Of course you do, you've got her eyes, nose, you know."

"But no traits related to yours?" He just sighed as he walked to the door.

"You did watch those kids get murdered and felt no remorse, so we do share some traits." He shut the door and I sat down beside Finney, holding in tears.

"God, I don't think we're related," I said to Finney, as if he'd hear. "and I watched what happened to those kids. I watched what he did and I didn't do anything." I grabbed Finney's hand and looked at him. "I'm so fucked up, what the hell?" My eyes felt heavy as tears just poured out. I felt myself begin to doze off and I tried hard to stay up, in case something happened but couldn't help myself and fell asleep. I woke up to a Finney in front of me, looking at me. I mumbled something under my breath and sat up. "Hm? We're good?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. My head hurts a bit but I'm ok, really." I nodded as the phone rang and we both looked at it.

"No," he muttered as it kept ringing. "Fuck you." I slowly got up to grab it and answered the phone. Finney got up after me and took the phone.

"Glad you're awake," I murmured.

"What?" There was static. "You gonna say something? Do you even know who you are?!"

"What the shit kind of question is that? Do you even know who you are?!" They're gonna get along fine.

"I'm Finney Blake."

"Well, nice to fucking meet you, Finney Blake. Right here, this is it."

"This is what?"

"The horrifying nightmare end of your pathetic little lives."

"Holy shit, you're Vance Hopper."

"This is Vance Hopper?" I questioned and he nodded.

"I remember you, you used to scare me."

"Trust me, Finney Blake, if you knew what you had coming, you'd be fucking terrified! Today's the day, motherfucker!" I just glanced at Finney and he shrugged. "Have you tried stacking the carpets to reach the window?"

"I've tried everything! Nothing's worked!"

"Not everything," Vance said. "when the Grabber saw what I had done, that was it. And he took his time with me, too."

"The wall," I muttered and looked up.

"The wall?" Finney questioned. "Vance, what'd you do?"

"I'm getting to that, cunt wad!" he snapped. "Or do you have other important shit you have to do right now?"


"Break into the wall where Y/N tells you to, they'll know where it is. They can help you from there." I nodded.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For helping me."

"Helping you? This isn't about you! Fuck him!" His voice echoed and we both winced as the bottles flew at the wall. I ran into the hallway and grabbed the tile, carving at the wall. Finney ran after me and saw what I was doing as I dug into the wall, my breath heavy.

"Talk while I work, I feel stupid doing this alone," I huffed. He was at a loss for words as he thought.

"What's your dog's name?"

"What? Something interesting, not a dog name."

"Why'd I wake up to you holding my hand?" I kept digging at the wall, not facing him.

"Take the tile," I said, handing it to him as he dug. "I don't hold hands."

"You were holding mine."

"Probably moved around in my sleep," I muttered.

"And you held my hand in your sleep?" he questioned as he examined the panel.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged as he unscrewed the panel. He eyed me suspiciously and took the panel out. I leaned down to look as he started kicking at the door. There was a bunch of frozen meat in the fridge and I sighed as Finney climbed out. He sat in the corner and I sat beside him as he just started crying. Before I had the chance to help him in any way, he grabbed my hand and I just sat beside him, holding his hand as he cried. "Finney, Finney, please, we're gonna get out of this." He shook his head.

"We're not gonna get out!" he cried as I lay my head against his shoulder.

"No, trust me! Nobody's lived this long! The kids have hope for you, I have hope for you!" As he started to answer, the phone rang and we both sat up. I lifted him up off the ground and led him back to the phone, his hand gripping mine tightly as I picked up the phone.

"What?" he said, his mood just sounding depressing and monotone then usual. This phone call was different.

"Hey, Finn, what's happening?"

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